
6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Subject #









"Can't keep it together." 

The first being to be contained in the facility.

Subject #2717 is a being made of what tests have concluded to be ink. They have the physical makeup of all things ink, and with that comes the ability to take on any shape they please. Arm bands are fitted to the subject to keep them in their default form, as well as to keep them from melting. Their coloring consists of different shades of grey, three large claws on each hand (plus a thumb), three claws on each foot, and three eyes. Middle eye is the largest and most expressive, while the other two are smaller and located near the upper portion near the middle eye. Smaller eyes are expressive, but tend to mimic the middle eye to some extent more than making their own expressions. Mouth has what tests have shown to be false teeth jutting downwards, being visible at most times. Protrusions do not act as teeth; they're more like skin. 

Subject #2717 seems to be able to create beings from the ink they're made of, as well as from anything they write. For this reason, paper and all drawing materials are to be kept away from Subject #2717, though they still draw and write on the walls of their cell using the ink from their own body. Any drawings or writings are to be documented, copied, then washed away.

Mental state has unraveled since they've been admitted. Now on medication to dim their thinking processes down enough to keep from hurting themselves and personnel. Will up dosage as needed. Files [REDACTED] indicate which medications are to be taken, as well as which times. Personnel are to make sure Subject #2717 does not miss a dosage.


Subject #2717 appears to be very shy, but once a firm connection has been made, they open themselves up to their 'friends'. Once this happens, Subject is shown to be quite loud and excitable when talking about things that interest them. Said to have a contagious laugh by personnel and other Subjects, but Subject #2717 denies such a thing due to their insecurities and shyness. While they have made acquaintances within the facility, Subject #2717 tends to stay to themselves more often than not. When questioned, subject says they don't do well with others for long periods of time. Further tests are to be run to see what that really means.

Due to their mental state, Subject #2717 will occasionally have breakdowns that result in sobbing and excessive self harm. Their drawings on the wall become more frequent and messier as their mood drops, until their entire cell is covered in these living drawings. Said drawings are often depictions of themselves in some form of bodily harm, as well as pictures of beings personnel have yet to discover the identities of taunting and verbally abusing them. Speculated to be old 'friends' of Subject #2717. 

When meltdowns occur, personnel are to clean up the walls of drawings and escort Subject #2717 to a padded cell in [REDACTED] until they stabilize.

Edit 06/08/2019- Subject #2717 has bonded rather closely with a regular visitor at the facility, seeming almost infatuated with him every time he comes near. Test are to be run to determine just how far said infatuation goes. Will have to get said visitor in on the experiments, of course.

Recorded incidents of near loss of subject:

[REDACTED]- Subject is to be supervised as they take their medication
[REDACTED]- Trains are to be halted if Subject escapes again

[REDACTED]- Extra precautions are to be taken when Subject interacts with others; mental health problems

Edit 6/6/2019: Subject escaped and was unable to be located for a week. Was finally found in a storage closet with their legs seemingly melted/torn off. Their shirt is unable to be found; personnel assumes Subject #2717 has torn and disposed of it somewhere in the facility. 2717 is hostile since discovery, swiping at any personnel that come near while making a loud, gargled hissing sound. Sedation and transportation back to their cell has been arranged. Security on Subject #2717 is to be increased, as well as surveillance increased to twenty-four(24) hours.

[REDACTED] 9/13/2021- Subject managed to catch a nasty sickness from drinking contaminated water from another subject. Had to be admitted to the medic ward for over a week while they recovered. Subject reported shortness of breath and vomiting, as well as their sense of taste being warped where everything 'tasted like ass'. Pneumonia was one of the illness caught; the other sickness is still being researched.


Enjoys playing video games, writing (rarely though), and drawing (of course), as well as music. Meetings are to be held to determine if the subject is stable enough to be allowed some type of music player in their cell. Subject tells us it will keep them calm when they feel an meltdown is about to happen. Enjoys the company of cats and have made good friends with the many felines running around the facility. Once stable enough, they are to be given the job of caring for said felines with the help of other Subjects.