


3 years, 1 month ago


  • Adam

  • age Mid 20's
  • gender Cis-Male
  • S.O Bisexual
  • Height 6'
  • Playlist

Fighter • Keep calm • Enjoy what you have


"Living through your doses, Oh my holy Moses, Sleeping on a bed of thorns, yet still you call them roses, Speaking to the masses, Still can't find your glasses, Driving like you stole it, up until it finally crashes"

Adam's about as nomadic as he'd like to be, spending as much time roaming on his bike as he does at home if he's not working long hours at a repair garage on the city limits. He's battled anxiety much of his life and as such tries to keep a calm composure, centering his nerves with brass, steel and the growl of engines. He finds the busy work a good distraction, and often drives around aimlessly on his own ride to feel the rumble in his legs and the wind in his fur. He doesn't care much for lingering on the past and hates talking about his own for too long.

He likes being around other people and has a circuit of nightclubs he'll hit up on the weekends, dressing up for the part with an unashamed lost boys drum beat. He doesn't have much of a plan for the future, happy to take what he has now in the moment even though it's lead to the few longterm relationships he's had to falter.

"C'mon dude, the nights cold and we got a bottle between us, why not drink to it?"


  • Ducati bikes
  • Field concerts
  • Quiet vibes
  • Night rides
  • Getting trashed
  • Smoking
  • Natural engineering


  • Type A's
  • Isolation