


3 years, 1 month ago


Gender: Female

Species: Icewing

Age: 8 dragon years (around 18-19 human years)

Personality: Alpen tends to be more introverted, and likes to spend a lot of her time alone, doing her own things. Despite this, she does enjoy the company of her friends. She tends to be friendly and polite towards strangers, and even a bit awkward at times since she's terrible at making small talk, but with her friends she can be very loud, and tends to say whatever's on her mind without a second thought. She's very sarcastic towards friends, and often likes to playfully tease them. She's also very imaginative, and often spends more time daydreaming than she does actually getting things done. She's a bit clumsy as well, often tripping or dropping things, and she's a hopeless romantic too. She can also be very insecure though, and is very self-conscious. She's very emotional, and often cries a lot as a coping mechanism. She tends to have very high expectations of herself, and is often unable to meet them. When this happens she is usually very harsh on herself, and it doesn't bode well for her mental health.

Hobbies: Alpen loves to draw! She always carries a sketchbook wherever she goes, and will often either sketch things that she sees, like birds, bugs, frogs, and the like, or things from her imagination. She also loves birdwatching, and makes an effort to learn something about every new bird she sees. She loves to explore as well, and someday she wishes to travel all over Pyrrhia.

Backstory: Alpen was born in a small, southeastern seaside village in the Ice Kingdom to her two parents, who were also Icewings. She was born without wings, so she is unable to fly, but she has always tried to not let that get in her way. Not long after her birth, her family relocated to the most northern tips of the Sky Kingdom, where her younger sister, Rime, was born. Alpen and Rime have always been very close, and always spent a lot of their time together exploring and playing out in the forest. Their parents would often let them go out on their own, even when they were just very young dragonets. Growing up, Alpen was always incredibly shy, and would often avoid talking to dragons she didn't know. Because of this, she was often bullied as her peers would claim she was mute, and call her weird, or a freak. The fact that she didn't have any wings only added to this. Not only that but her parents fought often, and her father in particular was especially harsh on her and her sister. This only brought the two of them closer together though. As Alpen grew older, she slipped into a state of depression, which only worsened after the death of one of her very close friends. Despite all the hardship, she started to come out of her shell, and soon enough she had matured more and wasn't so shy. She started making more and more friends, but she never felt particularly close to any of them. She would take what she could get though. She decided to dedicate her life to studying animals, and now that she has fully matured, she's ready to finally leave her home and start a life of her own.