


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

????? ????????? ?? ??????????


Renge, Queen


'Looks to be about 20 years old' or so.










Pansexual Panromantic

Treasured Artifact

The locket her brother supposedly gave her that she lost, her new family.


Being the center of attention, poking fun at Ange, steak, talking about her past, strawberry tarts, fancy clothes, being with the ones she loves most (Ange, Sunge), the Hallows, a clean slate, ribbons, poofy skirts, flowers, perfume


Her 'previous life', death, being bad at baking, explosions, losing the ones she loves the most, history repeating itself

Choice of Weapon

Her brother's sword




A girl named Chai is invited and asked to make a couple dozens of sweets for her best friend's Halloween party. Upon hearing her crush has also been invited, the stresses of trying to impress her friend and win her crush's heart burden her until she finds herself magically transported to another world where she gets the help from three uncanny new faces. Unbeknownst to Chai, the longer she stays in this new world, the more she starts to uncover her newfound friends' pasts and must help them come to terms with them.



“They don't call me the Queen of the Patisserie for nothing, hon!”


-Theme song-

Renge can be seen as a very spunky, hard-headed, loud and cheerful kind of girl. She’s always upbeat and working hard in the patisserie, and loves having fun. Renge tries not to let sad feelings get the best of her. She’s very flamboyant and loves to dress up in colorful clothing. She also likes to curl her hair out a lot and tie it up. She claims her hairstyle was ‘a major trend’. Renge may be one of the confectioners working in the patisserie, but she is very clumsy in the kitchen. She often gets into a lot of accidents in the kitchen, often with incidents where food explode in her face and knock her out, or where where trips on the floor and sharp tools accidentally fly out of her hand and stab her. It usually ends with Ange, Sunge, or Poppet and Pierrot bringing her back to her room where she can rest until she becomes conscious. Renge likes to help others for free when she can, due to Ange’s dismay. Renge also claims to be immortal, and this is confirmed true as she could even detach her hands and other body parts (except her head) and put them back on her body. It is unknown how she achieved immortality, though it is implied that Ange's familiars Poppet and Pierrot are often sent out to retrieve flowers that can supposedly prolonge someone's life. Renge sometimes gets homesick, often thinking about her homeland, but is reminded that her new home is much better than her previous one. She believes that her human life before entering The Hallows was not all that great that she could 'barely' remember it after she turned into a monster. It is also a sensitive topic to her. 


Renge's life and history prior to the events of Pumpkin Panic! are a secret and are only entrusted to the people she cares about the most: Ange and Sunge. She dislikes talking about it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Upon arriving in the Hallows, she met Ange. At first she did not trust Ange and vice versa, but she soon became very good friends with him. It wasn't before long that they decided to open up a Patiserrie together and create sweets to start anew. She considers everyone who lives within the patiserrie (sans customers and ghosts) to be her closest friends as well as her second family.

She knows very well that she can't hide from her past forever, and will have to confront them whether she likes it or not.



Renge came from the PP!/HMK-universe equivelant of France before making her permanent residence in The Hallows.