Vega Khazmara



3 years, 2 months ago


♟︎ She/her

♟︎ Elf (Drow)

♟︎ Barbarian; Path of the Zealot

♟︎ D&D 5e - PC (hiatus)

In a world where the drow goddess Lolth has been destroyed, some elves of the underdark still hold the memory of the Spider Queen sacred. The matriarch of House Khazmara, despite her House’s low rank, founded a cult in honor of continuing Lolth’s work. While the official Church of Lolth continued on for those with clout and access, this small cult of Lolth sought to break tradition by welcoming drow from all positions of society. 

The granddaughter of Khazmara’s matriarch, Vega Khazmara, knows that in a society where only the powerful matter, it would be a futile endeavor for her to play the game of self-ambition. Having grown up in the practices of her grandmother’s cult, she instead devoted herself early on to honing herself as a weapon for the cult. The Church of Lolth may have their dark paladins but Vega, ever unconventional, learned to channel her religious fervor, anger and grief of the dead goddess into the keen rage of a zealot barbarian.

She grew accustomed to another drow, Luce, who briefly joined the Cult of Lolth. Luce was skinny, brash and loud-mouthed, unlike the imposing but reserved Vega. When Luce picked fights, Vega would step in to finish them in defense of her scrawny friend. Unlike Vega, Luce was a social climber and eventually left the cult when she saw opportunity elsewhere. It wasn’t until many years later that they reunited under the draft. The drow were waging war on the surface and the now-Lieutenant Luce spotted a familiar, serious face among the recruitment line up. 

As it turns out, Lt. Luce found the power she was looking for and is now a conquest paladin of the Church of Lolth. Much passive-aggressive, secretly-fond banter later, Lt. Luce and Vega were put on an assignment together. They would take part in overthrowing the high elf capital and, after their successful efforts, be assigned to a new mission... finding the key to resurrecting their long dead goddess.


Vega is cold and practical but it would be false to say she doesn’t enjoy her work. She comes alive before the enemy and thrills in the fight. If you can put up enough of a challenge for her, you might even see her crack a smile. She has a life outside of being a force for evil though as she loves studying old languages and reading all kinds of books. She’s secretly a bit of a nerd. Her dynamic with Luce can be described as big dog and small dog energy. Luce feels a need to prove herself to Vega so, in combat, they are in constant competition with each other.