Koharu Suika's Comments

Hii! She really interest me omg she is so so pretty, she would be an instant forever homed இ௰இ

Would you be interested in trading with this adopt?

Thank you ಥ_ಥ

Hiii!! Ahhh unfortunately i don't think I would use her ;w;

Aaah that's okay, unfortunetly I have no one to offer other than her, and I've adored your adopt at first sight ಥ_ಥ she just look so cool!

Thank you for answering me இ௰இ

aww she's super cute! i would redesign her so she's watermelon+vanilla frozen custard (haha we have a twisters frozen custard in my city so i thought of that)themed but still keep kinda the same outfit~

anyways. this is twister! might reply with personality ideas once i get out of school ;v;