Rinus Marcaeus and Miko



7 years, 3 months ago


Heart Names: Rinus (Rin), Marcaeus (although I'm leaning on maybe calling him Alden....), Miko (Mik)
Heart Ages: 22, 28, 25
Heart Genders: Trans male, cis male, nonbinary (he or they pronouns)
Heart Sexuality's: Homosexual, Bisexual, Panromantic Asexual
Heart Relationship: They are pretty good friends (possibly all dating, but they haven't revealed this). They work together as a detective team.
Heart Occupations: In the team they specialize in the following: Interrogator, Investigator, Costumer (undercover design and all that)
Heart Personality's:
Bullet; Red Rin is very rough around the edges, rowdy, and individual. He's generally not a "team-player," but he tolerates his partners. Some would describe him as overly cynical, but he thinks they're just too optimistic. Life sucks and it's okay to admit that.
Bullet; Blue Marcaeus doesn't try to be overtly rude, but he has about 0 filter on what he says. He tries to smile and shrug away any mean comments he makes, but it doesn't really work. Eventually, he started putting up a kind of cold exterior that he hoped would trick himself into not talking as much. It kind of worked? And when he does say something rude, it makes people think that's just how it is and it's nothing personal. That's the big plus; he doesn't want to go around making people feel bad. (He still acts really nice around people who know how he is and don't mind mean comments he blurts out)
Bullet; Yellow Miko is an oversharer. Unlike Marcaeus, he does have a filter, but he actively chooses not to use it. He thinks letting people know what's going on in his brain at any given moment will build trust or something. 
Heart Bio's:
Bullet; Red Rin's parents threw him out after finding out he was failing school (it just wasn't interesting enough for him). He believes it's a good thing though because he could never tell them he was both gay and trans; he just knew they wouldn't accept it. Originally Rin wanted to become just a normal police officer, but he couldn't get through training and deal with all the comments people made behind his back at the same time. It wasn't his fault he disliked talking about himself and that caused people to want to discuss him.

Rin definitely wasn't expecting to become a freelance detective. Honestly, after dropping out of police training he thought he'd just live on the streets and give up. Marcaeus and Miko already knew each other when they found him sleeping on a bench. They would have just passed him by, but Marcaeus suddenly remembered encountering the boy once while helping the police. He also recalled that he had witnessed Rin make a man confess to 5 different murders which none of the fully fledged officers had been able to pry out of him.

The two left Rin a note containing the address of their apartment and Rin, thinking he had nothing to lose anyway, visited and was welcomed into the team.
Bullet; Blue Marcaeus dropped out of college. Although he prefers to call it "willingly took himself out of a situation that was only holding him back." School was slow, so he never bothered to turn anything in. He preferred working on his own little projects. When the school informed him of his impending termination, Marcaeus simply walked off the grounds and never returned.

At first, Marcaeus thought of working alone, but then he realized that infinite alone time was slowly driving him insane. Plus, his social skills were not exactly the best... On one of the walks around town, he bumped into an odd individual: Miko. Miko apologized profusely and started saying things like "I'm sorry for bumping into you when you're thinking so hard. I'm sure you made the right choice dropping out of college to pursue your interests and living alone." It was odd that he had picked up all this information so quickly and nonchalantly. Marcaeus told him to stop speaking once he got past the shock and the two went to a nearby coffee shop together. Neither ordered anything, but the two talked for some time and Miko was convinced to join Marcaeus' plan.
Bullet; Yellow Miko never even went to school. His parents thought homeschooling would be the best for him and gave him all their attention. He was raised to be an honest and nice kid, so it was shocking that he would run off with "a delinquent dropout" to become some kind of detective. He still writes home to his parents, but he refuses to reveal where he lives at the moment or any details on the cases he's working.
Heart Strange facts about them:
Bullet; Red Rin tells people Marcaeus is just a glorified version of Marcus as often as possible. (If I change his name to Alden, the fact just becomes that he calls him Al all the time)
Bullet; Red Rin doesn't actually smoke??? He just thinks cigarettes look cool, so he often has lighters and a couple cigarettes shoved in his pockets.
Bullet; Red Rin is mildly dyslexic 
Bullet; Red/Bullet; Blue  Marcaeus gifted Rin an e-cigarette so he could actually blow vapor.
Bullet; Blue Marcaeus likes short shorts (sorry I had to say it)
Bullet; Blue Marcaeus is basically always internally freaking out about interacting with people. There's a reason he leaves actual interrogations to Rin.
Bullet; Blue Marcaeus will never admit it (willingly), but he loves the pop music Miko plays. 
Bullet; Yellow  Miko is actually really bad at being undercover. Normally he's pretty easygoing, but undercover makes him uncomfortable. His actual specialty is designing undercover scenarios for people, not acting them out himself.
Bullet; Yellow Miko believes in fate. He honestly thinks things happen because they are meant to happen.
Bullet; Yellow Miko used to play the violin. 
Bullet; Black They often hang out in one specific coffee shop together even though none of them drink coffee. Marcaeus prefers tea, Rin doesn't think drinking without the purpose of either hydration or getting drunk is meaningless, and caffeine makes Miko feel sick.
Heart Theme Song/s: You're Gonna Go Far Kid, Love Again (Dirt Poor Robins) Live Out Loud
A bit of an explanation for the second song choice. Marcaeus spends a lot of time thinking about his choices and whether he just made them on a whim. However, he's willing to put in the time and effort to make it feel like he's made the right choice. If it wasn't right before, he'll make it be right (the song has that kind of feel to it to me)
Heart Something they'd say:
Bullet; Red "I'm never here to make friends and the fact you might be deluded into thinking that disgusts me."
Bullet; Blue "Nothing against you personally, but everything you're saying is entirely wrong."
Bullet; Yellow "I'm just your neighborhood friendly guy here to be friendly and not suspicious at all." (undercover)
Heart What you're going to use them for: Probably gonna roleplay and write mostly, maybe draw something here and there of them solving crimes :3c