


9 years, 3 months ago



Name Reginhart
Designer polaris-rose
Gender Male
ObtainedAs a gift from Qualeo
Significant Other None
Rules Species rules
Species Kiamara

RoleCorrupt corporate head



Reginhart is a ruthless businessman, ambitious and proud. He can put on a charming and polite mask, but he's only out for himself and himself alone. He isn't above putting others down to get what he wants, and it would be a firm exaggeration to say he's always above the board in his choices. He's a pretty cutthroat player in the local crime organizations and will do anything in his power to get a leg up in the world.

He's motivated and focused, and incredibly stubborn. Once he sets his mind to something, there isn't much that will sway him from his path. He has a massive ego, and insults will quickly earn his ire. He is vengeful and it's very much recommended to not risk his temper if at all possible, as he's not quite a fan of "Letting things go." 

The only one who he lets his guard around is his daughter, as he dotes on her endlessly. She's the only one who can bring out his soft side, even if he can get a bit overprotective of her at times.

He isn't entirely cruel- as he doesn't really set out to cause harm or unhappiness to anyone unless they've offended him or they're in his way. Even then, he'd prefer to simply 'relocate' them than cause them actual harm. Bribery is his tool of choice. 


  • His company specializes in pharmaceuticals, focusing on anesthetics and hospital grade chemicals. 

He always strived to be on top, and was always interested in power even from a young age. He was convinced it was his destiny to conquer anything in his path. Wielding one father's cunning and lack of care for authority- and the other's skill in negotiation- he was a political force to be reckoned with as soon as he entered the field. He shot up through ranks, not withstanding a few shady practices to get rid of his competitors. 

Eventually, becoming the president of a small company he guided his small quaint organization to a corporate giant. He became wealthy beyond anything he could ever have imagined. But he was still not happy, he would always want more. The challenge of claiming more had become his purpose, and he would always rise to it. For he truly had nothing else. 


  • Luxury
  • Being in charge
  • A challenge
  • Coffee

  • Being insulted
  • Feeling below anyone else
  • Feeling trapped
  • Sweet foods

Khajiit Father

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Pocky Father

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Elsweyr Daughter

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Nasir-Sin Business "Associate"

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
