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Name Gunnleif
Full Name Gunnleif Kingson
Nicknames Leif, Gunnr
Age Aged Adult
Gender Female
Species Fulgora Kamishiba
Type Special Royal
Designer Lieutenant
CSS Pinky


"You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you"

Legends of heroes exist in every culture, every family. Some may be complete fiction, others based in truth. But many fade over time or become twisted and warped by the imaginative tongues of those passing it down. Few are as revered and tangible as the legend of the Fulgora Leader.

Gunnleif Kingson is a formidable warrior; powerful, graceful, disciplined. But in the eyes of her people she is so much more than that. Gunnleif is a direct descendant of the hero, the one who sacrificed themself to seal away the Lopdiemis and save the Fulgora Species. At first glance, Gunnleif appears to be the perfect representation of her ancestor. She always appears calm, nothing appearing to phase her as she approaches every situation with confidence and a cool head. Seeming to have a plan for every eventuality, many relied on Gunnleif for guidance, and she would without complaint. While she might have been a little more distant to the community than some of her ancestors had been, it has never been thought of negatively, more just part of her reserved nature and preference for quiet contemplation. No one ever considered the implications.

Gunnleif Kingson is a cardboard cutout of a Kamishiba. She exists to protect, to keep the Fulgora of her village safe. Without a purpose, Gunnleif does not know who she is - she does not exist. From the moment she hatched, Gunnleif was told she was only here to protect those around her, those weaker than her, and if she couldn’t do that - then what was she good for? Consequently, Gunnleif is an incredibly protective individual. She seeks to protect others; those she perceives as weaker, those close to her - regardless of whether or not they actually need her protection. She throws herself to the wolves regularly to protect others. No matter the situation, she always prioritises others over herself. But Gunnleif is cursed with shortsightedness. She can only see or predict one danger, one harm, but never see how her actions could lead to others feeling stifled or even betrayed, how her need to protect can prevent others from growing and learning on their own.


  • Training and Practising
  • Spears
  • Fish
  • Traditional Fulgora Food
  • Quiet Contemplation


  • Being Praised
  • Lopdiemis
  • Cold Weather
  • Archery
  • New and Unusual Things


Feral Height 2.35m
Gijinka Height 1.88m | 6’2”
Blood Colour Platinum
Build Toned
Posture Alert
Palette Reference
  • EYES: Rare Shaped Pupil (Slit)
  • TAIL: Common Armoured Primal Tail + Common Feathered Rudder Tip + Common Average Size
  • HEAD: Common
  • PADS: Common One Coloured
  • EXTRAS: Common Primal Feather Crest Backmane + Common Primal Raptor Claw + Common Feathered Fetlocks + Special Long Headwings + Abnormal Fins - Gills + Abnormal Fins - Quill (Restricted) + Abnormal Fins - Quill (Restricted) + Legend Lopdiemis Infection - Scales + Primal Aura



Gunnleif has failed her purpose. Gunnleif is a failure. Knowing this, Gunnleif is no longer sure what to do with herself. The villagers have scattered to the wind, buildings left abandoned. There's no one to protect and nothing to protect them from. Her ancestral sword was stolen by her former apprentice. All in all, Gunnleif is a disgrace. A worthless, useless, failure.

Staying in the village is not possible for Gunnleif. She is haunted by the ghosts of all her failures. The eyes of her Ancestors judge her from the cave. In the end, she left like everyone else. She travels around the Mainland, sticking to the edges of smaller villages, still too wary of the new world to venture into larger towns and cities. Everything about the Mainland is a mystery to Gunnleif and she is slowly trying to integrate herself into the new world she's been all but thrown into.


The Tradition of the Firstborn Leader dates back further than any living Fulgora can remember. The title has been passed down from Firstborn to Firstborn since the First Leader who saved all of Fulgora-kind. While the title of Leader is now more symbolic than a true position, with most decisions of the village being made by a council of Elders rather than a sole individual, many still look towards the Leader for advice and protection.

Gunnleif was the latest edition to the ancient tradition. Ever since she hatched, Gunnleif has known her purpose, her father made sure of that. Since she was old enough to walk, Gunnleif has trained and trained til she knew nothing more. She barely had time for anything else. She never attended the crèche, like all other hatchlings would, never had the chance to interact and learn through play with other hatchlings. Instead she was taken straight into her apprenticeship, under her father of course. Swordsmanship, shield work, archery, her curriculum alongside a detailed history of the First Leader. It was only because of her mother that Gunnleif learnt to read and write, for her father would have forgotten that crucial skill, so wrapped in combat and the past. She was raised apart from the other hatchlings, never forming meaningful relationships with her peers - something her Father encouraged, for in his eyes friendships did nothing but cause distractions, cause biases. Father had everything planned - at least that's what Gunnleif thought.

Then he fell ill. Just as her first sibling hatched. Without father's orders, too sick to leave his bed or have visitors, her sibling spent the first year of their life just like any other hatchling. Gunnleif watched them with an aching heart. She was already a teenager on the cusp of adulthood. She knew in her gut that the moment she completed her warrior trials, her father would start training her sibling - as harshly and as lonely as he had trained her. Her sibling was bright and enjoying life, making friends and playing like every other child. It broke her heart to think of that bright, sparkling joy being snuffed out under the pressure of their father. She told herself, once her father recovered, she would ask him not to train her siblings. But he would never get better. While he would live to a ripe old age, he would never be well enough to train or even leave the Healer's.

All responsibilities of the Leader then fell to Gunnleif. Which meant she could choose to apprentice her siblings. The mere idea of her siblings being set down the same lonely path as her made guts twist. Her siblings deserved to have choices in their lives, not to be forced into a mould that might not fit them. So Gunnleif took another apprentice - a young loner called Fredvör. Who she chose as an apprentice didn't matter to her, Gunnleif just needed someone to occupy that position until her siblings were apprenticed elsewhere or grew too old to be apprenticed any more. Of course she felt guilty for misleading Fredvör, especially as the young girl seemed so eager to prove herself to Gunnleif, but Fredvör was destined for the keepers, not warriors. Even under Gunnleif's mentorship, Fredvör would never pass her warrior trials. But Gunnleif chose not to tell her apprentice this, even when she dropped Fredvör as her apprentice. Better the anger be directed to her rather than onwards.

For years Gunnleif protected and guided the village. Her father passed peacefully and was given the send off he deserved. She spent her time completely consumed by her work, avoiding her siblings, family, and former apprentice to the best of her abilities. Keeping busy kept them at arm's length most days but Fredvör often got into trouble that required Gunnleif's intervention. It was all going smoothly.

Well mostly smoothly.

It was well known that the Leader would need to pass their title onto their firstborn. A firstborn which Gunnleif did not have. In fact, she had no meaningful relationships at all. For most that wanted a child yet had no partner, a quick trip to the crèche for an unclaimed hatchling would solve that problem. But for Gunnleif, she needed a firstborn. No one would accept it if she tried to pass her title to an adopted child. It wasn't as if she was lacking opportunity; plenty of Fulgora who would practically throw themselves at her for the 'honour'. But Gunnleif dealt with this gracefully, in the same manner she dealt with all her social problems; she avoided it. Any time the subject of marriage or children came up, something would conveniently require Gunnleif's immediate attention and she would retreat from the conversion. She kept this up for years, and would have done so for the rest of her life, but outside forces were at work and the gods were about to play a cruel trick on her.

Without warning, the barriers fell. Not one by one but rather all at once. Suddenly the village was thrust back into a world it had long since been separated from. Gunnleif held her breath, preparing for what she thought would be the inevitable war and conflict with the Lopdiemis that once hunted them. Yet none ever came. They would all learn in the coming days, how much the world had changed. Lopdiemis no longer hunted the world as they once did, new species have evolved in their place. The world on a whole, was at peace now, it was safe to rejoin.

Gunnleif did not trust it, however. To her it felt like a trap, a disaster waiting to happen. At first she was able to convince most of the villagers to stay put, stay where it was safe and she could protect them. But as more and more Kamishiba came to visit them (some even mysteriously converted to their species) they would leave with more and more of the villagers. Even Gunnleif's own siblings left - some of them even being the first to leave. Eventually, only Gunnleif was left in the village, alone with her guilt and her failure.








Skills & Abilities


Gunnleif has always been the best swordsman in the village - which is to be expected of the Leader. She learnt most of her techniques from her father but also from other warriors in the village, training with them regularly to adapt her skills to counter them.


All Fulgora of the village were trained to swim from a very young age. With her gills and fins, Gunnleif has a natural talent for swimming. Her body is strong and she is a very capable swimmer. She has used her talent to rescue Fulgora and other Kamishiba who were struggling to swim or drowning.


Reading and writing is what many consider a vital skill in the modern world. Gunnleif’s father did not agree. It was only due to her mother that Gunnleif learnt to read at all. The delayed education meant Gunnleif was several years behind her peers, and she has always stayed behind.

Common Tongue

The Mainland does not speak the Fulgora Tongue, yet it is up to Gunnleif and her kin to learn their language just to communicate. She is not as adaptable as the younger Fulgora and she does not have a teacher who was once an Average Kamishiba, Gunnleif is left to learn this new language on her own. Her sentences are choppy and hard to understand at times.


Legacy [Sword]

The sword Gunnleif chose to use instead of her ancestor’s blade. It is a simple blade made ornamental by the gold and silver carvings added to the hilt by her sister.

Justice [Spear]

Spears are not a weapon associated with the Leader but it was Gunnleif’s weapon of choice. It is a simple spear head mounted on an ivory shaft.



THEME: Atlanthis
HOME: None, Fulgora Village (Formerly)
OCCUPATION: Wandering Warrior, Fulgora Leader (Formerly)
BIRTHDAY: March 3rd
VOICE: [Undecided]
THEME: Bones


TAROT: Ten of Swords
STONE: Aquamarine
FLOWER: Daffodil Uncertainty, Chivalry, Respect, New beginnings
CELESTIAL OBJECT: Boomerang Nebula


  • Gunnleif spent a lot of her time in the Cave of Ancestors before her father got sick as she liked the peace the restricted cave offered
  • She practices meditation to help calm her frayed nerves
  • Gunnleif is incredibly fearful of the prospect of children
  • This means she is often afraid around children in general and does her best to avoid them and the subject all together
  • Gunnleif has always looked after her own weapons mostly due to the peace of mind cleaning them brings her
  • As many Kamishiba tend to butcher the pronunciation of her name, she asks that most Kamishiba call her Leif






Gunnleif and Sigrun have always had a turbulent relationship. Gunnleif has always been determined to keep her sister at arm's length, shielded from the burden of legacy that Gunnleif wanted to shoulder alone. It made Sigrun bitter towards her but she always thought that would be for the best. When Sigrun returned from travelling the Mainland, Gunnleif was surprised with how much she had matured. Sigrun offered an olive branch, to build a better relationship.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.


Former Apprentice



Gunnleif failed Fredvör. She was supposed to guide and teach the young Fulgora but Gunnleif was too entangled in protecting her siblings that she forgot her sacred duty. Gunnleif knows that every crime Fredvör has committed was her fault and that Fredvör was doing it to spite her. Fredvör hates her, Gunnleif knows this and believes she deserves it.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.