


3 years, 1 month ago



Name: Peregrine

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: demisexual biromantic


Mother: Lydia

Father: Davion

Brother: Rodrigo 


Love interest: Miranda (mate)

Friends: Rose ; Jax ; Azalea 

Rivals: Miranda (in past); Jamie ; Niamh 


TW // abuse, animal death

Peregrine was born to her parents, Lydia and Davion. She was pretty close to her younger brother, Rodrigo, ever since she had to train him to live in the town because Rodrigo was born weak. The family’s life was pretty peaceful, until Davion’s head caught a disastrous idea.  After seeing the camp of the large Sangre Alliance, Davion was ambitious to take down their leader, Slade, to become the leader himself. He told his family that that way they will be happy and never starve again, but in reality he was more hungry for power than wished to help his family.
Lydia understood that this was insane and that Davion doesn’t stand a chance, but Davion ignored her warnings. Lydia noticed that Davion became violent ever since creating his plan, and she thought that her children are in danger now. Lydia wanted to take her kits and leave Davion for good. But Rodrigo didn’t agree to leave - he was attached to his father and looked up to him, and couldn’t see how cruel Davion was actually becoming. Lydia felt heartbroken, but she couldn’t force her son to go - he might give them away with his resistance, and then Davion will know about his family trying to escape. Lydia had to only take Peregrine, and they decided to leave together soon. But now Rodrigo knew that his mother and sister were leaving, and when they did, Rodrigo told Davion about it. Rodrigo didn’t know how aggressive his father has become, so he didn’t suspect anything. But Davion was enraged at these news, and chased after his mate and older kit. He attacked Lydia and killed her, while Peregrine escaped into the town. Davion came back to the den and lied to his son that both his sister and mother were killed by dogs, and Davion couldn’t save them. Rodrigo, unfluenced by his father, believed this without a doubt.
While Peregrine survived, she was still a kitten and couldn’t survive in the town on her own - a town filled with large dogs and unmerciful cats. But she got lucky - a stranger saw her and took her in. It was a she-cat named Jamie. She raised Peregrine, and became a kind of mother figure to her. When Peregrine was old enough, she lived to live her own life. But this won’t be the last time she encounters Jamie…