Basic Info




Distortion (of matter and mind)

Passive Ability:

Telepathy & Shapeshifting

Special Ability:



Vainglorious, Wrathful yet Mild tempered (polite until slighted then goes overboard with punishment), Exceptional Etiquette training, Strong sense of Justice (according to her moral code), Clever (always scheming), Persevering ("I could do this all day!"),

Fashion Sense:

Severe, Feminine, Royalty but make it Goth, Fallen!Angel-core,

Important Design Features:

Never seen without Crown+Headscarf (covers hair always), Sheer sleeves, Aquiline Nose, Scarf ends wave about like they have a mind of their own/their own gravity rules.


#487 - Giratina

This imposing PokeWitch knows the value of sheer, unrelenting power.  More than that, she knows the pleasure it can bring.  She doesn't pursue power for its own sake, no, she pursues it because she likes it. She doesn't seek fights, but she cannot help but conceal her delight when one finds her.  Those who would seek to enlist her aid will find her an eager combatant . . . and a doubly eager creditor when it comes time to collect on the martial favors she has bestowed.  (flavor text copy pasted from the description, thanks WanderingKotka!)

Move Set:

  1. Shadow Force
  2. Dragon Claw
  3. Pain Split
  4. Draco Meteor
Her subjects call her Zel, a show of respect for her warrior prowess but also an exaltation of her status as the only one, the one true leader etc. etc. The winner of the Open Succession, she won the throne from her siblings in battle, she who had the furthest governorship from the capitol. The Underdog so to speak. Nevertheless she secured victory by any means possible. Now her capitol is in a pocket dimension, accessible to her cult and those who would pray to her for help. 

She's got several different forms. As a Seraphim, her staff becomes her halo and she unfurls 4 sets of wings. As a dragon she's got nasty claws and her staff becomes her tail.