


3 years, 1 month ago


Gender: Female

Species: Sandwing

Age: 9 dragon years (20-22 human years)

Personality: Adder is a very hot-headed and scrappy dragon, who can often come off as brash or rude sometimes. She hates to be bossed around, and doesn't like following rules or orders. To strangers, she is very hard to approach as she is usually very untrustworthy of others; however, she cares deeply for her three younger adopted siblings, and she would risk her own life to protect them. She is almost immediately suspicious of others, and has trouble making friends because of this. She also struggles to open up to others, and tends to keep her true self hidden out of fear of being rejected or abandoned by them. She often uses humor as a coping mechanism, but always at inappropriate times which can get her into trouble a lot as she is seen as rude or mean.

Hobbies: Adder doesn't get much time to herself, as she spends the majority of her day either working, caring for her siblings, or stealing. She does enjoy stealing though, as it gives her a rush of adrenaline, and of course she always loves caring for and spending time with her siblings as it helps her to feel fulfilled and happy.

Backstory: Adder's mother was very young when she had her, as it was an accidental pregnancy. Her father left unexpectedly, and Adder's mother was no longer able to care for her, so because of this she abandoned them in an old hut. Adder was old enough to understand the situation, and hated her mother because of it. She never wanted what happened to her to happen to anyone else, so as she grew up she “adopted” three orphans, Hartebee, Gila, and Sage, as her siblings. She decided to turn to stealing to provide for them, but after a close call one night she finally decided to get a job working as a servant in the Scorpion Den. It was everything she hated, and she never thought she would have to stoop so low, but she kept reminding herself that it was for her siblings, and that helped her to get through it. The pay was terrible though, and she hardly made enough to support herself, much less her three siblings. Because of this, she resorted to stealing on the side.