


3 years, 1 month ago



❛ A shadowed sun bleeds in red ❜

Adumbrata sol. Sable sun mourns in blood, death's gaze befall like an endless dusk. Rebirth amidst the sea of lycoris ー fleeting memories woven in the tapestry of a red string of fate. Tell, why does your weary heart weep so ? Eons of suffering painted crimson on path as on skin. He whispers to the moon to stay and searches for it's comfort. Presently a radiant icon with a history burried deep beneath the stillness of dreams and reminiscence. Lead, his steps echo - guiding to death.

nameNorio Sekiguchi
addresshe / him
themesshadowed sun, lycoris
death, red string, eternity

Norio Sekiguchi is winning in society. Described as beguiling; faultless in both character and work, mirroring his expertise of networking and business flawlessly. Pridefully aware of his aptitude and accomplishments of success yet he is by no means overbearing with it. Not loud and not silenced. Yet with his unmatched resolve to strive for prosperity births a hatred for preforming any less than perfect. Corrupt and connoiving are traits overshadowed by his way of words, much to Norio's advantage. Undoubtably the seriousness and applauded representation of the man paints an effigy who does not fool around, there is stark contrast to how he acts in the presence of his wife. Lovesick and overbearingly affectionate, Norio is not afraid to show his infatuation for the one he devotes himself so dearly to, reverting to a near child-like self.

Yet memories.


eikyu / hakanai boards · An image of uttmost opulence. Tall, dark and handsome; describing a quintessential figure of one of the most powerful and wealthy men in the worlds of both mortals and yokai. Soft and sleek black hair falls past his pointed ears, golden earings synonymous with red tied threads. Narrow eyes painted boldly with red tones and liner bring out the intense violet slit hues of his gaze.

Dressed in sable brand suit in the human world and the most expensive inky jet black robes in the spirit realm, Norio is unapologetic of his gucci looks and fit; rightfully so. His reputation preceds him.

· CEO of the world renouned regarded phenomenon company; Sekiguchi.
· Weilds 4 katanas, 2 odachis, 1 naginata.
· Niche child - like side only his beloved wife knows of.

✓ fashion | picnics | art
✕ imperfection | lies | deception attempts
Haru · Moonlight. Beloved wife who through the years swore love to eachother.