


3 years, 1 month ago


Kastella Imories

Protector of the cursed


They are very calm and gentle and stand no threat to those with no ill intent. They dedicate their livs to taking care of the cursed porcelain dolls they collect and to finding a cure for each curse. Protecting the dolls are their number one priority and they will drop everything to accomplish this. They are however very helpful when it does not pose a threat to the dolls.
Should anyone threaten their dolls or themself, they will hold nothing back in order to neutralize the threat as quickly and with as little damage to their dolls as possible.


  • Their "job"
  • Butterflies, moths, and anything else that looks alike
  • The complete silence only closed off rooms have.


  • Environmental noise - especially of waterfalls, thunder, or alike noisy natural phenomenons
  • Substances that leave stains, especially if they're near impossible to get back out
  • Loud, angry, or careless people


Blood Color: Unknown

  • Though it's unsure whether or not they do in fact have blood, if you want to draw them blushing or the likes, make it black for mask, pale/white for on the body.
  • The "mask" cannot be taken off of their head - it is their face.
  • Their arms are super long, refer to the sketches for lenght!


  • Kastella owns several "frames" which they can put onto any surface big enough to place it on. Once placed, these frames create a portal to a pocket dimension Kastella has where they house all their dolls. Other people than Kastella can move these frames as well as enter the portal created. On their own risk, of course.

Magical Powers

  • Kastella is heavily tied to their deity. While their deity is alive and well, Kastella is practically invincible so long they are doing their duty.
  • With the blessing of their deity, they can differentiate between people who harbor ill intent, and those who do not. Likewise, they are protected against anyone with ill intent, as their deity would not allow harm to them. This also extends so that kastella can choose what people with ill intent can do to them or those they protect.
  • Kastella can repair any damages that may appear on one of the dolls they protect, but this takes time. If they wish to do so, they have to settle down with the doll(s) in their lap for hours without moving in order to let their deity gain access through them to let her powers work on the doll. The time will vary depending on the damage, and no lost parts can be recovered this way. However, new parts can be bonded to the damaged doll, which would leave visible marks should the doll's curse ever be reversed.

Physical Powers

  • kastella is no physical being. They may have a physical body, but there is nothing about this that needs care - aside maybe the occassional polish to their face to keep it clean and shiney.
  • There is a lightness to Kastella's way of moving, and should you try to pick them up, and succeed, they barely weight anything at all. Yet, should someone try to push them around or otherwise try to move them with ill intent, they will not move even an inch. This is due to one of their magical abilities.

Kastella is a champion of the deity Imories, deity of the cursed. As such, Kastella holds no identity beyond this. From the day they accepted the blessing of Imories and thereby the position as one of her champions, Kastella became just that. The blessing rid them of their old identity, their old body, and their old ways of living. Instead they were granted all that was necessary to fulfil their destiny, their job, as well as the endless favour of their deity.
They were allowed to choose their field of cursed beings to help and protect, and so in turn also choose their new identity and being. With an old facsination of porcelain dolls, they choose that; dolls, in particular porcelain ones. This obligated them to hoard these dolls and keep them safe, to tirelessly search for ways to reverse the dolls' curses without repercussions or consequences for them.
With further blessings from Kastella's deity, they were granted a safe place to keep the dolls safe and sound whenever they would not be around to attend them. This very room is unaccessible to anyone but them and those they invite inside, and whoever enters will feel a serene and calm atmosphere linger naturally in the room. Of course, this room is also filled with all the dolls Kastella has collected and not yet found a cure for their curse for, and depending on how little you like dolls following you around the room with their eyes it may undermine the rooms naturally serene feeling. For Kastella however, the seren silence in the room filled with their favourite things is the best place to be.


deity Imories


Their deity

The deity who grants kastella their powers. kastella is forever in service to her and follows her gladly without hesitation. They give all of their trust and life to her, and in turn, she keeps them safe and grants them with powers to fulfill their purpose.

Hush Hush



Hush Hush is a great boon to Kastella. Reasonable, nice company, silent, informative. While they do not know everything by far, Kastella can get a lot of information from them in trade for secrets Kastella does not much care to keep in the first place. Hush Hush also houses many dolls of their own, though not cursed. Kastella takes great joy in walking around and cleaning them for Hush Hush, or simply looking at them. They calm them.





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