


3 years, 1 month ago


Gender: Male

Species: Sandwing

Age: 6 dragon years (15-17 human years)

Personality: Fennec is very reserved and quiet, and usually likes to spend most of his time by himself, either locked away in his room, or at his favorite spot next to a water fountain. He will only go outside at nighttime though, as he doesn't want to be seen by others. He was born with a piebald pattern, and has always been incredibly self-conscious about it. He also has anxiety, and will often have panic attacks if he is exposed to social situations. He is very sweet though, and cares deeply for those close to him.

Hobbies: Fennec has many hobbies to keep himself busy in his room. He loves writing, and will often be inspired by the other dragons he sees in the city. He also likes to clean, and he makes sure his room is always tidy. He makes sure to decorate it nicely too, and he loves interior design. He also enjoys doodling, although he's not the best at it. He likes to sketch things mostly from his imagination, but he will occasionally draw things from reference as well. He loves going on nighttime walks, and looking out his bedroom window. 

Backstory: Fennec was born in Possibility, and he lives with his two parents and four other siblings. He was born with a piebald pattern, which makes him stand out from others by default. He wasn't always self-conscious about the way he looked, but from a young age his parents always seemed a bit embarrassed by him, and would encourage him to stay home. They never explicitly said anything, but their actions spoke volumes to Fennec, and he began to become more reserved and distant from others. His siblings would often want to go out with him, and would want to spend time with him, but he would always refuse out of fear of being seen. He slipped into a deep state of depression and anxiety, and would exhibit many self-deprecating behaviors. He felt safest in his own room though, and would often be too scared to leave unless it was nighttime. He has a hood that he wears often when he goes out to hide his face. His favorite spot is a fountain in a small plaza in Possibility that is not very busy. He always likes to walk there and watch the koi in the water.