$200's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

L1N6L1N6 Global Rules
Design T.O.S

By purchasing you agree to the following terms:

I. Disclaimer:

  • This design and artwork is a digital good, and so it doesn't require any shipping.
  • Terms and conditions are subject to change to protect myself and the customer from harm.

II. Payment

  • Invoice must be paid in full in USD currency.
  • Payment can not be cancelled without discussing with me.
  • Refunds may be allowed if discussed. But please make sure you have funds ready to avoid issues.

III Trade/Sale:

  • Notify me when the owner changes.
  • The design can only be resold for what you paid or lower. If the character comes with extra commissioned artwork then that price can be added on.
  • Trading and gifting is allowed. But the design cannot be sold again after that point.
  • Any theft or unfair trading will result in blacklisting.

IV. Editing:

  • Minor design edits are allowed but please keep it recognizable.
  • Additional outfits and other details may be drawn on the artwork.
  • Do not remove my signature!

V. Rights:

  • This design may not be used for commercial use, profit, or promotion unless I give explicit written permission.
  • The customer may use the artwork for personal use and personal display. The art may also be used by the customer as icons, wallpaper, and other decoration with proper credits to me.
  • This design and any form or part of it may NOT be used for any blockchain-related technology ( i.e. NFTs, cryptocurrency, or future inventions in the space ).
    • You may not reproduce or alter the original image in any way, no matter how unrecognizable it may become, for use in any NFT related purposes. No derivatives of the commissioned piece may be made into/minted/sold as NFT.
    • This also applies to any commissions in the past and future from the artist to any and all clients.
  • My work may not be used in any AI related technology or future inventions in that space.
  • I, as the artist, reserve intellectual and artistic rights over the artwork and character design.

VI. Sharing:

  • You may post the artwork elsewhere but always credit and link back to me on one of my sites.
  • Always credit me for the design and artwork. Never claim it as your own.
  • Only the customer and myself have the rights to post the image.
  • I, as the artist, have the right to post the image, use it in portfolios, and in other forms of publication. Please credit me as Creator on Toyhou.se for the design when uploading to other platforms.

• This TOS can also be found on my official site: https://linglingartsu.wixsite.com/lingfolio/terms-of-service