


3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Dungeons and Dragons


Voidling (previously Tiefling)


33 pre-void (young voidling)


genderfluid (he/she)


"self employed"




Dusk is a chaotic evil druid and serial killer. He is tall, 6"3' without antlers (~7ft with), with long, slightly wavy hair. His skin and hair are vantablack, so dark that no light reflects off of it. His bodily fluids all glow slightly, aside from his blood, which is like black oil slick. This makes his eyes and mouth glow as well. He has two extra eyes on the left side of his face. He sometimes keeps the top and bottom extra eye closed to make it appear that he has a normal set of eyes, to seem slightly less unsettling in appearance. His nails are long, sharp, and curved like talons, he has deer-like hooves, and a very long and smoothly tapered tail. He has several piercings, all studded bars in silver or sometimes gold: double lobe studs, bridge, dolphin, nipple bars, and a 6-rung jacob's ladder (frenum).

He was taken in by a vampire mistress who viewed him as a sort of exotic pet, a servant, and plaything. He was taught to be proper, expected to be clean and tidy in appearance, and was given expensive clothes to wear. He was expected to keep his mistress's manor clean, and was even taught to lure victims to her on occasion. He was also expected to cook his own meals, and he taught himself how to make exquisite food from the cook books he found in the unused kitchen and high quality foods he could buy with his mistress's fortune. She was not without cruelty, and punished him when he did not meet her expectations. Or when she was bored. After several years, Dusk eventually murdered her, and adopted her sadistic and narcissistic personality into his.

He was no vampire, but he did have a fondness for blood, and the fear in the eyes of someone about to die. It didn't take long for him to become a serial killer. He would kidnap people to torture for various amounts of time before tiring of them and disposing of their bodies. He travelled around to avoid being caught, not staying in one place for too long, but he would occasionally return home to his manor for a while.

One night, he found a man who had the same vantablack skin and hair as him, which he had seen nowhere else, and he slowly charmed him into becoming his own pet. (Vacio, my partner's character.)


the following section contains spoilers for Voidlings, a DnD homebrew race, as well as Dusk's backstory. if you're in a campaign with me, this is your warning!

Before becoming a Voidling, Mirth was a chaotic neutral tiefling druid. He had rouge-pink skin, dark wine-purple hair, and bright yellow eyes. He was the third of six children in his family (faun mother, incubus-lineage tiefling father), and largely raised himself. 

He grew to dislike and distrust others while thinking highly of himself, and was able to appear charming and make false relationships to get by in life. He became a druid because the skill of wild shape was appealing to him, but he managed to turn his druid magic into an art he could practice for money. (joined performance troupe? in a fit of rage murdered someone and was kicked out?) 

When he had nothing left to turn to, he pleaded and begged to the gods, anyone that would listen: He wanted to be important to someone. Nyarlathotep listened, and thought it was a pretty amusing wish; so he granted it. Mirth was no more, and from his now darkened shell, Dusk was awoken.


The eldritch trait he acquired while being voided is multiple eyes.

wildshape preferences are "scary yet elegant": centipede, spider, snake, elk, panther, raven, etc. they are natural colored and not vantablack (although sometimes he'll make them black if they're not usually, just to be spooky.)

human au: Viktor Durchdenwald. 30's, native american but adopted and raised german. runs a piercing and tattoo parlor and occasionally kidnaps people (like Valorie).

(18+ ONLY) f-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/nightshade%20dusk/