Banana's Comments

hello!! what would u be looking for for this fella?? :0 

Omg I’m so sorry CrookedAnchors but if you’re still interested, I’m looking for art!

i could totally offer art!! i have examples on all my socials that i can provide if necessary!! what would u be looking for?? :3 

hi hi!! could u dm me the oc(s) u want me to draw again?? i can't find the message anywhere T^T and the next drawing(s) i do are the ones i owe u for sure. 

i think I'll try to draw a big ole traditional sketch page of some of ur ocs for now to make up for the wait!! feel free to dm me the oc u wanted drawn b4 (im p sure it was napkin??? but im not 100% sure) and ill do a digital piece of that one!!