RhannyStatic (Sona)



3 years, 14 days ago



20 | 5'2" | 116 lbs. | ???


Rhan is by and large a chaotic dumbass. Loud and bombastic, yet caring. Reclusive to strangers, yet rather emotional. He tends to present himself as the responsible adult in the room to peers, but he's certainly not above doing dumb and silly things for the sake of finding entertainment (like stepping on giant sperm in a horror game, or drawing shitposts.) Another thing of note is he's incredibly stubborn, trying his hardest to see a project through till the end rather than giving up on it, even if keeping to it detriments him in the long run. Despite this, he's just an external appearance, carefully crafted over years of trial and error, learning from mistakes of the pasts and trying to better the Public Image, to the point that he dons a mask to hide the horrors within. But to be fair, who doesn't wear a "mask" these days?

But no mask is ever perfect, and in Rhan's case, this is quite literal: The large crack across the eye, while it doesn't affect his vision does reveal a bit more of his "true" side: a side that's full of things better left locked up. An interesting thing, whenever he's experiencing an intense amount of emotions that become too difficult to contain, the crack grows larger, almost threatening to completely break...but this is usually temporary, and once the emotions are back under control those heal back into their original state. Whenever the crack represents his emotional state...or something else entirely isn't known.


While not much is known about the man, it seems he is one of many individuals known as The Public Image. Public Images usually have one job: Seal away the unwanted sides of a person, be it their pain, their trauma or something else entirely. However, some Public images are stronger than others, and unfortunately for Rhan, what he was meant to seal away proved to be a lot stronger than initially thought. Soon, those Negatives started to corrupt him. To combat this, He got his hands on a glove (to cover up an arm already taken) and a mask (to patch the hole they already made and started trying to escape through). The Negatives didn't take too kindly to this, and tried to force their way out, to no avail but not without some damage: The mask was now cracked on the left side, with the crack being influenced by how stable the Public Image is (Growing when stability is lost, healing when more stable)


For one the exposed bones are harder to break, plus a tail and wings can prove deadly if used correctly. He's also incredibly quick, capable of running pretty fast (though, possibly not far). While possibly not the most impressive feat, he is capable of carrying upward to 50 lbs.

On top of that, Given how he's a Public Image, he has the power to seal and contain Negatives. To do this he has to remove his mask, which is risky as due to the corruption Negatives already contained can escape. Likewise he can just...release Negatives, although this is often frowned upon. He tries to avoid this as more things contained means it's much harder to keep them all contained, and while releasing Negatives would make containing them easier...Those Negatives would now be loose and free to cause havoc.

Lastly, it seems corruption can have its upsides. The glove hides a corrupted hand, which does in fact have the power to shapeshift into anything he desires, should he remove his glove. However, exposing a corruption point, much less using the powers of your corrupter sounds like the exact opposite of a good idea.


-Occasionally calls Aramut "the physical embodiment of anxiety and depression", which makes sense given how Aramut is an anagram for "Trauma" and how Aramut is seemingly impossible to completely contain, and containing even part of him basically magnets him to your location 

-Despite caring about the health of others...it doesn't seem like he applies that same care to himself.

-Can and will get overly obsessed over any talk of mental illnesses if brought up. Seems to be a favorite topic of his.



Idle 2: Shattered

Idle (below 50%): Monster (Beth Crowley Version)

Fight: Remembrance

0% Stability fight: Spectral