RhannyStatic (Sona) (Rian Everdeen (Cyber!Rhan))



2 years, 1 month ago


Rian "The Dragon" Everdeen

30s | 5'11" | Heavy | Blood + nanites


A rogue cop, Rian does things his way and relies solely on his judgement to deal with problems. He's hardened to the cruelty of humanity, and willing to dish out that same cruelty when he needs to. He may come off as sociopathic due to how cold he is, but he hardly takes joy in harming others: He just wants to get the job done as quickly as possible. Despite his middle age, he acts like an old man, not aided much by the bitterness he feels about the ever advancing technology present in his society that seems designed more for keeping everyone a consumer of something rather than moving humanity forward in a meaningful direction. He does show occasion softness behind that helmet, but that is something reserved for very few people.


He was always to a degree at odds with the police: Their eagerness to embrace new technology meant he got left in the dust in some places. Regardless, he still cared about what he did: Bad people really did exist out there, and some needed more than jail time to come to their senses. However, tragedy struck in the form of what should've been a fatal motorcycle accident, but in a bid to save him, he was injected with nanomachines without his consent, and his arm and eye were replaced with cybernetics, far better than anything organic material could accomplish. Some believed he would be grateful once he had seen that machines had saved him, and would be more accepting of the ever changing cyber world around him.

They achieved the opposite affect. See, Rian had met Death, and had began to come to terms with the fact that he was likely never waking up again. He had been ripped away from death's hold and forcefully returned to the world of the living...and this enraged him. He had been taken from the certainty of death and forced back into life against his will...By machines. When he demanded to know why they'd do this to him, surgeons and doctors alike tried to explain that they tried to keep him alive, but he quickly called bullshit on such things, accusing them of being in the pockets of those same tech companies. He stormed off, fuming over both the new augmentations and the medical bill he had to pay as a result.

This was around when he completely broke off and became "rogue" (fancy term of leaving the police force but still enforcing the law). He adopted the codename of "The Dragon", based off of the Chinese zodiac year he was born. Ironically, he did get two more augmentations to bring him closer to said codename, but started hiding his face more behind the helmet he wore while driving his motorcycle. He made himself into a feared name among both the crime world and greedy corporations alike: And he was ruthless, often leaving criminals a bloody mess. However, under it all he was somewhat broken: A man so sure he would die, that he had no clue what to do with himself after he was brought back. But soon, he would find some solace, in a rather unexpected place.

While scouring the dirty alleyways for some unrelated drug deal, he discovered someone shivering in the cold, away from most of the other unfortunate homeless. Some kind of robotic thing, he could tell by the volume of loose wires...but it didn't act like an AI when he got closer. It tried to move away from him, terror in the eyes. Eventually he got it to trust him enough to return to his apartment, where he learned that this AI was actually housing the consciousness of a girl who was about to die and had her brain transferred to keep her alive, but in the process she lost many of her memories, retaining to the name "Mary" and some other info. He promised to help her find herself and her home, feeling sorry for the child who suffered similarly to him, and came out the other end much worse off than he did. And so, their partnership began...


Cybernetic parts: His eye can see in infrared and X-ray, should he choose. The arm, meanwhile, is strong enough to punch through stone, can broadcast holographic images and let him browse the internet. The wings are mostly for show, but can also project wings for intimidation's sake. The tail is also quite strong, capable of hold his body weight, as well as projecting a weapon hologram that burns so hot it cauterizes any wounds inflicted almost instantly.

Police force experience: Originally a member of the police force, Rian has all the training from the program, as well as years under his belt. He can apprehend and arrest people, operate firearms, defuse situations by talking, take command, and interrogate individuals as needed.

Nanites: (Or nanomachines, whichever you prefer.) Injected into his bloodstream, these buggers can rebuild flesh quickly, make or tap into adrenaline when needed, naturally heighten his senses, and all sorts of various things. Unfortunately migraines and headaches are common for him as a result. Not to mention they can restart his heart by simulating heartbeats should his heart stop for some reason. He's not a fan of these, yet there's no easy way to get rid of them so he just has to deal with it for the time being.


-Helmet has a built in light filter, which helps Rian avoid headaches.

-Really good at steering a motorcycle, both standard patrol and his own cyber-styled.

-Alcohol makes the nanites go crazy. He's annoyed by this.

-Worried that he's being tracked near constantly thanks to his cybernetics, to the point he hired someone to hack into them and disable any potential GPS system.

-Just wants to retire peacefully

-When asked what death looked like, he struggles to recall direct details of the encounter, but claims death was "misty in nature"