


3 years, 1 month ago


Blessed be the garden that homes a Strawberry Sprite.

Nemi is a Strawberry Sprite Dragon. A tiny race of dragons that hides in peoples' strawberry patches. A stalwart guardian of the fruit, she eats any bugs that comes near her strawbs. Her saline saliva keeps slugs and snails away and any catterpillars or spiders should beware her nippy teeth and snappy mouth!

Born from the love and pride people have in their gardens, a strawberry sprite will appear as a regular strawberry to all humans apart from the one they are bonded with. Should anyone else attempt to burgle from their strawberry patch they will get a nasty bite to the fingers and probably blame an insect. Though small, the bite of a sprite can sting for hours as the salty spit aggravates the wound. An odd combination of fruit and beast, a Strawberry sprite will live as long as their garden is active and tended. Once the bond breaks with their human they scatter their seeds, waiting to be awakened as a new dragon when love for another garden makes them sprout.

Nemi is bound to a sweet old lady that owns a somewhat overgrown garden with a suspiciously neat and bountiful strawberry patch. She spends her springtime pulling weed sprouts out her patch, her summers guarding fruit, and her winters dormant. Her human friend often sits by the strawberries on nice afternoons, allowing Nemi some sips of wine and discussing gardening together.