
3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info



reselling a design is not permitted unless the character has commissioned artwork added to the worth, was bought off me, or obtained via resale



Forte appears suave, professional, aloof, smug, and cocky, always parading around with a knowing grin, always posing just right in photos to get some cinematic lighting and inspire thirst in audiences. He's a hotshot and he KNOWS it, though he also likes to keep up a sort of businessmanlike appearance- this is his job! Being famous and cold! However, any prolonged interaction with him will show that he's kind of... Weird. Though he's a normal amount of humorous, he has a tendency to be dry or fail to figure out what to say in social situations, having never had childhood friends or having been interacted like a person with his parents. He can seem outright strange, lacking self awareness and notice to niche but important social standards, as well as occassionally showing an unabashed lack of disgust towards violence or manipulation. He has some inkling to enjoy the suffering of others, correlating it subconsciously with his status and security. He has little care for ethicacy and intends to focus on efficiency, and he has never really been taught to be compassionate.


Forte is a 5'6" grey fox/deer hybrid. The smooth face and elegant hooves of his deer portions are juxtaposed against his sharp carnivore teeth. He is usually seen wearing yellow tinted glasses, and is often outfitted in fancy colorful suits or Hawaiian shirts befitting of a vacation. He's lean and a bit lanky, but HUGE in the world of Superstar, towering nearly a foot over the general popular (who averages around 4'10").


  • Luxury
  • Control
  • Flora
  • content


  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content


Forte's parents had always controlled [the resort island], a position of which Forte was due to inherit. Being together for looks and power, Forte's parents didn't really like each other, nor did they really like their prodigy- not like they were cruel or hated him, but they just didn't see the appeal of acting like a normal loving family. Forte grew up mostly isolated, only really interacted with for business ventures, disallowed from interacting with others to avoid scandals or Forte getting any independence. Forte copes with it surprisingly well- he really doesn't understand that his upbringing was bad or have any inkling of negative feelings on being left alone and neglected, as it was always his default, he had nothing to compare it to, he's had little time to mull it over, and he constantly thanks his parents for his current success and security.

He's the face of the island and technically manages everything, though as it happens he generally employs others to do the nitty gritty for him- though he's still very involved, make no mistake, he's an accomplished man. Beside just being a pretty face to advertise the island, he controls most business, associating with Superheros for a good image to help make people feel safe on the island, manipulating them not to question why supervillains fight, convincing them its a battle between good and evil, and telling them where they're "allowed" to cause property damage (outside of wherever it would harm Forte's profit). Along with that, Forte, having absolutely no morals, gets into a lot of shady business working with "bad" people- on lighter counts, orchestrating fake Supervillains to have cinematic and dramatic fights for publicity, and on a harsher count genuinely working with villains who want to hurt people, sacrificing tourists to them so long as they submit to compromise and eventual (public) defeat.


name [relationship]

Nulla feugiat nec arcu vitae bibendum. Praesent euismod congue ornare. Donec sed ante ante. Mauris sodales facilisis neque, at placerat est consequat eget. Donec auctor tortor at elit semper egestas. Aenean et sapien enim.

name [relationship]

Nulla feugiat nec arcu vitae bibendum. Praesent euismod congue ornare. Donec sed ante ante. Mauris sodales facilisis neque, at placerat est consequat eget. Donec auctor tortor at elit semper egestas. Aenean et sapien enim.

name [relationship]

Nulla feugiat nec arcu vitae bibendum. Praesent euismod congue ornare. Donec sed ante ante. Mauris sodales facilisis neque, at placerat est consequat eget. Donec auctor tortor at elit semper egestas. Aenean et sapien enim.

mood board

admin?6?0 admin?6?0
admin?6?0 admin?6?0
admin?6?0 admin?6?0


name Forte
gender Male (he/him)
age 20-30 (?wip)
species Fox/Deer
sexuality Wouldn't you like to know
occupation Politician
height 5'6"
status WIP
value 2 fullbodies ($40~)