Carlos & Vee



3 years, 1 month ago


  • Carlos & Vee

  • AmZh11E.png

  • ᴀɢᴇ 28
  • ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ male
  • ʀᴀᴄᴇhuman
  • OCCUPATION demonologist
  • VOICE On the low side and a little rough, he sports a monotonous tone most of the time and only shows emotion through loudness and screaming. He often speaks to himself, very quietly. He's hard to hear. He speaks clearly when he has something he wants to be heard.


Regarded as an expert demonologist by the occultist community he unwillingly is a part of, Carlos lives his life in his little shitty apartment on one of the busiest, most dangerous parts of town. He makes a living by hunting ghosts, chasing off spirits and doing underground, illegal and dangerous exorcisms as he searches for the demon that condemned his long dead grandma's soul. He doesn't get paid much, and he's always struggling financially, so he finally kinda opened up to the public and posted an ad on the paper, looking for someone "chill, not easily spooked, not necessarily open minded, i don't really care as long as you can hold a camera" to film his adventures in hopes of selling them and getting some extra cash. So now he kinda runs a supernatural obscure show, or something. He's also posessed by a demon.

With a snappy temperament and an unexpected tendency to aggressiveness, one wouldn't think of him as someone so aloof, so chronically indifferent to both people and life. Carlos finds he's happier when he's alone -alone as he can get-, in the perpetual company of his body and mind roommate, Volverna. Lovingly nicknamed as Vee, for short.
Carlos often comes off as quite eccentric, as he has poor social skills and weird habits, like intently staring at people, regardless of them noticing or not. He shows anger issues that may or may not stem from the effects of possession, and he's quick to escalate the situation to violence no matter how petty it is. He has a knack for hurting people, mostly those who have wronged him, but he's generally an asshole to everyone, indiscriminately. 

He is generally disgusted by physical proximity and contact, and as such he keeps his distance from people. Behind all of his jerkoff facade, though, he's rather cunning and highly analytical, making him very, extremely good at his job. He will collaborate with the cops on certain cases, as they often reluctantly ask for his help, paying him little or nothing.

Vee is quite the complete oposite of Carlos. He's loud, he's vicious, he has a pathological need for attention and praise, not exactly sociable but very outgoing. Reckless and impulsive, with the mindset of a king, Vee has not adapted to his new life in Carlos' body and struggles to see his very own needs satisfied, which translates to crippling frustation that often gets taken out on his host. 

The demon, or "the other guy", enjoys messing with Carlos, physically or psychologically, to the point of driving him insane at times. He gets stronger every day as Carlos' mental stability withers away, and it's actually quite impressive how the demonologist has been able to keep himself grounded for so long. 

Vee has a certain power over his host, but cannot control him like most possessing demons can control their host. He's only able to be heard or seen by Carlos, he has no power outside his host's body and mind, meaning he cannot reach the physical realm beyond. No poltergeists, no steps at night, no making beds float... quite a bland existence. He can, however, make Carlos hallucinate, read his every thought, dream and memory, slap his face (with his own hand!) and take control of his body, briefly, sometimes.

 Extra info: 

♥ He's daltonic, but he sees red.

♥ Because of Vee's influence on him, Carlos is able to sense and even hear objects with heavy emotional inprint, like a child's doll or a murder's weapon.

♥ He's got no family left.

♥ His inner organs and bones are etched with symbols and occultist stuff as a means to make him strong enough to hold the demon in his body without dying or going completely nuts.

♥ Incidentally, an authopsy-like scar runs from his chest to his lower belly in a zig zag pattern. It's very old, but still very red and looks rather recent.

♥ He's got no hobbies besides demon hunting and investigating. His life is kinda dull.

♥ Vee often makes him do morally questionable things... which Carlos doesn't really mind at all.

♥ Should he find a way to expel Vee from his body and mind, Carlos would feel extremely lonely, having lived his whole life with him. Deep inside he hopes to never find a way.

♥ He seems to be a magnet for supernatural creatures, especially demons.

♥ Despite his aloofness and his line of work, he is quite scared of spirits and other supernatural entities.

♥ Thanks to Vee, his senses are sharper and more acute. He has a particularly good sense of smell.

♥ Carlos' sensivity and ability to see and percieve the supernatural makes him sick, and he's frequently in a hangover-like state.

♥ Vee has a few favorite forms he takes, but he has no definite or fixed form outside of his own realm. Too powerful for humans to gaze at it, he says. He's probably lying.

♥ Carlos is very strong and powerful, enough so that he can keep Vee at bay and other supernatural creatures stay away from him, but he's only vaguely aware of it.





