Coedy Saethwr's Comments

  1. 1. Where were they born? In a village near the main city
  2. 2. Who are their parents? Unknown
  3. 3. Where do they live? No fixed address
  4. 4. What do they do for a living? Adventurer
  5. 5. What is their greatest achievement? Finding Luce and saving him
  6. 6. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to them? 
  7. 7. If we searched their name on Google, what would we find?
  8. 8. When was the first time they fell in love? When they first met Luce
  9. 9. What is their biggest secret?
  10. 10. What is their greatest regret?
  11. 11. Do they have any bad habits?
  12. 12. Did they attend high school? College?
  13. 13. What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to them?

9 Questions About Your Character’s Interests

  1. 1. What’s their favorite movie?
  2. 2. What’s their favorite food?
  3. 3. What TV shows do they watch?
  4. 4. What do they like to do for fun?
  5. 5. Do they have any hobbies?
  6. 6. What’s their favorite color?
  7. 7. What is the greatest extravagance they allow themselves?
  8. 8. What is their most treasured possession?
  9. 9. Which living person would they most want to meet? Which dead person?

9 Questions About Your Character’s Relationship

  1. 1. Who do they consider their closest friend or best friend?
  2. 2. Do they have a romantic partner?
  3. 3. Which family members are they close with?
  4. 4. Who do they share your deepest secrets with?
  5. 5. Do they have any co-workers they’re close with? Any they can’t stand?
  6. 6. Who do they trust? Who do they trust?
  7. 7. Who would they turn to for help?
  8. 8. What is the relationship like with their parents?

6 Questions About Your Character’s Thoughts and Emotions

  1. 1. What’s their spirit animal?
  2. 2. What are their biggest pet peeves?
  3. 3. Do they consider themselves an introvert or an extrovert?
  4. 4. What does perfect happiness look like to them?
  5. 5. What is their greatest fear? What keeps them up at night?
  6. 6. Are they a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kind of person?

Perfect Sunday? Adventuring!

Pineapple on pizza? No, fruit on pizza is gross

Favourite cheese? Swiss, the holes are funny

Favourite Brooklyn99 character? Amy, she reminds me of Luce

Favourite type of exercise? Parkour or climbing