Rez Tirrum



2165516.1418589554.avatar.png C O L O U R

== Male - Adult - Mortal - Undecided - Single - Arrow Jewel ==


Limited Arrow Jewel, Rare neck mane, Uncommon fur edits (neck fur)
Common hair, Common sclera color


Rez is a weird little dude who definitely dances to the beat of his own drummer... or maybe it's the beat of someone hitting a wet pillow with a tennis racket. It's a little hard to tell! Regardless, he has a seemingly endless supply of patience, and most often uses it to peruse his hobby of standing stock-still in random public places for hours at a time while wearing an eyeball helmet and using his jewel powers to make himself (temporarily) change colours. He works as a street-performer, you see. Living statue. When he's not doing that, he's hanging out in his basement room (Rez loves his basements) and playing games with friends, either online or in person. He's also quite shy, and has been branded a 'hopeless romantic' by his sister. Whatever THAT means! Rez isn't quite sure....

Intrests: Lava lamps, acrobatics, video games, old detective TV shows, programming, Furbies, going to cons, cryptids, coin collecting, learning to speak Esperanto via Google Translate.