Odin Livia Gallard



3 years, 2 months ago


Gender: Male

Height: 6"4

Age: 21 Species:

Crow raven birb thing

Birthplace/Current residence: From Hemlyth/no house Bio: Odin is a young fledgling mercenary hailing from the city of (tba). When Odin was younger him and his childhood friend Eudene dreamed of becoming knights in the castle of (tba), but Odin eventually gave up on that dream and left his childhood friends behind to persue more realistic goals. Personality wise Odin might just have one of the worst most unnaproachable personalities one person can have, he's rude, blunt and a asshole to everyone equally, he finds it pointless to take the effort to make fake politeness for someone he'll likely never see again, he most definitely has anger management issues and is easy to provoke and get into a brawl with, his rudeness has caused him to get into various incidents with other more dangerous people. Extra: Odin is currently a travelling mercenary and has no intentions to do anything else. He uses a sword. Technically a tsundere if you want to describe him in a overly basic way but probably not. Is easily embarrassed about the do Childhood was rough.