LOWELL's Comments

Hello!?!? He’s so pretty now omg! Your art Low-key turned him into a dreamie <3


what offers are u looking at? owo

Honestly, anything but mainly characters, with art as add ons (but not mandatory). I don’t have many prefs nowadays so just send who you’d wanna trade ^^

Would you look at him for your milkdoe ticket? I actually have a dainty slot I’d add too!

Omg😳😳you draw him so well??😳😳 he looks heckin awesome in your style waa

Not you too! TYSM, that means more than you think ( ^w^)/✨💖


Hii I’m the new owner of the chara could u change the transfer settings so i can put him on the listing?(ty if u see thiss<3^^)

Updated! Sorry for the late response

I'm in love!!   

( /w\ ) tysm! I am too, he’s honestly a dreamie

Hii js wondering if ur interested to offer for him? Js wondering since I just got him!

No sorry! I don't see myself using them