Minuet Irena Solieh



3 years, 2 months ago


Gender: Girl

Age: 20

Class: Mage

Minuet used to live a fairly normal commoners life in a city located in (tba) tending to her mothers shop and being a fairly well mannered little girl, it wasn't until the day her mother married the man that would become her step father did things start taking a turn for the worse for her, not only had she found herself in a much much bigger house then the one she had preciously lived in, but she now had two elder brothers who made it their mission to make her life terrible. Her father being a seasoned knight from a family of knights meant Minuet was expected to follow in those footsteps, she could however, barely stay on her feet in general, clumsy and terrible with a weapon of any sort, Minuet's step father quickly had lost all hope in her, and this gave more reasons for her brothers to bully her. One day however Minuet decided that she just couldn't do it, and with only a letter saying goodbye, ran away from her home. She finds magic is very much more her calling, though she's still clumsy, and sometimes ditzy, Minuet tries her best to put her all in whatever she does.