
3 years, 4 months ago


Mist is a very lazy demon. Making his home in the very first circle of Hell, Limbo, his job isn’t too hard. That doesn’t stop him from somehow slacking off on his one responsibility. All he has to do is keep the peace. As big as Limbo is, sometimes people run into each other. And sometimes, fights happen. And those fights can get very, very violent very, very quickly. And Mist just doesn’t really care. He’ll usually just float up high above the fight and watch. Not like he’s really going to be punished anyways.

Mist is able to relax people with the mist that makes up his tail and mane. Usually he’ll just pass by and let it do it’s thing. Other times, if he is somehow tired of your shit, he‘ll go up and give you a hug forcing you to take it in. This mist can do something as small as making you feel a bit sleepy to something as big as slipping you into a coma.

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