


3 years, 1 month ago


A failed clone of the infamous Space pirate Ridley. Abomination has a special type of power that makes him different form all the others Ridely clones psycho energy.With psycho energy he can use unique types of plasma and he can use his psycho energy and do all the things Ridely do. There is a cost of over usage he loses a bit of his sanity everytime he overuses it.He is not the smartest (literally has 2 brain cells) he only know to goof around and to eat. He’s a dark green Ridley-like creature with Dark red eye's and a robot arm for his right arm. He stands around 14’5 at full height and around 13’8 slouching. He likes traveling through space to meet new people and to eat new foods. He tends to do the Space pirates rush move that Ridely does in smash a lot more to his opponents. He actually dosent incorporate his tail into any of his attacks only to be used as a final blow to weak opponents. He has the mentality of a 10-year old. But very friendly with friends that he makes,he’s like a little puppy. Except when you put him in front of league of legands then his personality switches to a toxic actually smart individual who rages at the slightest inconvenience