


3 years, 1 month ago


This is all outdated asf, take it with a grain of salt.
Name: Aurid
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Panromantic Ace. he has an enderman boyfriend.
Species: Zombie Piglin, though he wouldnt admit that hes not a regular piglin to anyone but a close friend.
Age: physically he is 22 though due to his many lives his age is in the thousands, he has lost track of his exact age.
Height: 6 foot 4 inches
Ally's and relations: His current relations are a bit shakey. the only really positive ally he has right now is Averie. He highly dislikes Warpus. he is neutral with most others, though still has a negative perception of those still alive from party city.
 Introduction: He seemingly just popped into existence one day, no one knows where he came from or how he got to the server. the first person to see him was Warpus, when they first met he seemed confused and in some amount of distress. it was to be noted that when warpus first met him, his sword was bloody and his coat had a large bloodstain on it.
Personal beliefs: He is a true neutral. he stays mostly to himself and the only thing he is emotionally attached to is his pet strider. he will ally with those he sees as bringing him closer to any personal goal he has. he has little care for those around him and sees them as means to an end. he deliberately does not become attached to people as he does not want to lose them and because he doesn't think anyone would care about him anyways. he is also very weary of others and tends to never fully trust someone, even if he is allied with them at the time.
Strengths: He is fairly decent at PvP and can hold his own in a fight. due to his lack of trust, he often has dangerous weaponry on hand or at least close by. he is also fireproof due to the zombie infection however if he stays in fire for too long the zombie infection is likely to spread to the area that the lava/fire/whatever was affecting.
Weaknesses: If he gets an injury the zombie infection will grow where the injury was. giving him quick heal time, but also providing a large risk to reveal the infection if he receives an injury somewhere usually visible. the areas affected by the infection are also physically weaker. he is horribly afraid of bastion remnants, to the point that he will have panic attacks if he sees one or is near one. he also has a strong hatred for other piglins. though not a weakness per-say, it may be of note that he has a soft spot for striders.
Place of residence: He lives in the nether in his large glass-dome home where he mostly lays low with his pet strider, ramen.
Canon events: he took part in the destruction of party city and has taken part in two enderdragon battles. he was also present for the marriage of warpus and krim. he was part of the failed peace party.