Annalise Baldovino



6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Annalise Baldovino


Annalee, Lise


450 years old. (Looks to be 21.)


"Really freaking tall." ( --Ange)


Ange Baldovino, the Baldovino Clan






Bisexual Polyamorous

Treasured Artifact



Merri, Lune, gossip, singing, gothic lolita fashion, lolita fashion, laces, frills, the color indigo, the color pink, ringlet curls, opera, rock, rock-opera, compliments directed at her, cake, playing the piano, TV dramas


Harsh criticism, the sun, insults, unfunny jokes, unnecessary puns, 'goody two shoes', frogs, gossip about her, showoffs (that aren't her or her partners), dizzy patterns, chatterboxes, loud people, being in 2nd place

Choice of Weapon

"I'm a vampire! My entire body is a weapon itself!"




The mysterious and prodigious professor Delyth Amita is in the process of completing a series of special Androids called the "NAN.AI.IRO System. Sunny Saturday, her sixth creation, is tasked with exploring the emotional spectrum of both humans, monsters and daemons in an attempt to produce an artificial soul. Having just been born, her siblings Miki Monday and Wendee Wednesday accompany her to show her around Somneo City, a supposed 'city that never sleeps' that is a melting pot of all cultures. Despite the two having been out more than Saturday, there are still secrets that even they do not know about where they live that Saturday is learning about, and more importantly about the mysterious 'ghost' haunting her. 


Annalise Baldovino

“You call running away without warning an attempt to restore your honor and inherit the control of our clan?! I'll stomp your ego and so-called 'honor' to dust and prove that I'm the better child! I may be the youngest but I'm no fool! I'll show you what it really takes to be a Baldovino!”


-Theme song- (Warning: R18)

A prideful, self-absorbed and independent Vampire who takes pride in her voice and appearances, Annalise is Ange's baby sister and also the lead singer of Sweet Candy Toxin, a three-man (or rather, rabbit and human) rock opera band consisting of her polyamorous partners Merri and Lune. As the lead singer, Annalise can make her voice range from a seductively low tone to an incredibly high and childish sounding one. A literal spoiled princess, she always dresses up in the most expensive lolita fashion, and even makes her own clothes. She also runs her own costume and candy shop in Somneo City with her partners, something that both rivals and parallels the SuRenAn Patisserie in the monster world. Unsurprisingly, some of the imports in her shop come directly from the Patisserie.

Having been the youngest sibling in the family, Annalise does not like being looked down on. As a young vampire, she was taught how to be prim, proper, gentle and kind. However, when she looks back at it now she realizes that was a terrible way to grow up. She absolutely detests people who let others control them, or people who choose who should be the leader in a group. After hearing that one of her brothers had 'run away' without even notifying the other family members, she saw it as the start of a rivalry to prove which Baldovino child would be suitable to inherit the clan's leadership. After some time, she somehow managed to convince her parents (which consisted of whining and yelling) to let her live a period of her life independently and away from the clan. She wanted to prove she could 'do better than others'. With that said, it was very surprising to hear that she had made friends quickly with people in Somneo. 

Annalise is conniving, clever and will do whatever she can to get what she wants, though she would never stoop so low to do certain things. She managed to 'convince' the landlord to let her buy the entire apartment which she, Merri and Lune live in. This may or may not have involved a bit of bloodsucking and bribery. She shares a small bed with Merri, while Lune sleeps across from them in a twin bed.


Prior to the events of Happy Melancholic Kid, Annalise lived with her family in the vampire country located in the Hallows. She has four older brothers, one of them being Ange. Like Ange, she also was named in the same way as him.



Annalise was born and raised in the Hallows, before temporarely moving to Somneo City in another world where both humans, monsters and demons live in harmony.