


3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


August 28, 2017



Messenger can remember anything he sees or hears, which aids his job as a messenger. He’s also much faster than the average individual, though it’s debatable whether or not it’s part of his ability.


Messenger is emotional and shy. He will rarely approach you if he doesn't know you and, assuming you start a conversation with him, will let you do all the talking. If he does know you though and have decent relations, he'll be more happy and relaxed. He'll talk to you and just seem like a cute little kid. He tries to be respectful and polite towards others, no matter who they are. He believes everyone can be a good person, they just have to try. He's deathly afraid of authority and whenever he is around anyone with authority (monarch, parent, officer, etc.) he'll be nervous until either he or they leave, though he is more comfortable around parent figures than the other authority figures. He cares about anyone he meets, which makes it incredibly easy for someone to bend him to their will. He's not a fighter in the least. He loves eating and will happily stuff his face with anything that isn't meat or blood. He's a quick eater, but he'll try to keep some form of table manners when he's eating in front of others.


Messenger is very short, only about 2'3 in height. He has messy black hair that covers his eyes, which are black. He has sharp teeth and has horns that adds one inch to his height. His ears aren't human ears, rather they are cow-like ears that are the same color of his hair. His hands are kinda like hooves; two of his fingers are like hoof toes (that is what they're called, right?) and his thumb is more or less like a human. He only has those three fingers. He also has a black cow tail.
He wears a white shirt with black spots and black shorts.