Hazel (Outer Worlds)



3 years, 6 days ago



Nicknames Haze, Captain, Stranger
Age early-mid 30's (?)
Gender trans masc (they/he)
Birthday August 21st (♌︎)
Height 6'2"
Hair Color purple
Fandom The Outer Worlds
Eye Color orange, unsettling
Setting Halcyon space colony, 2355
Background Mixed (Thai/Cuban)
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
AnimalJackson's chameleon
3 Songs [♫]//[♫]//[♫]
Vibes [x]

"Oh, I don’t want to go back to who I was. That person died in cryosleep. Besides, there’s SO many more people I can be now instead!"


extravagant . noncommittal . flighty . talkative . confident . nosy

A daring spy, talented sniper, and flamboyant captain of the Unreliable, “Hazel H.” is certainly not the first identity they’ve assumed, and it’s unlikely to be the last. He was originally put in cryosleep and sent to the Halycon colony at the behest of an unremarkable beverage company, the plan being to slither into their competitor’s good graces and act as a corporate spy in the great cosmic beyond. Unfortunately, the ship arrived 70 years too late, leaving Hazel stranded in an unfamiliar world with no mission to complete and no boss to report back to. When faced with this troubling development, they had to make a hard and fast decision as to what to do next: that is to say, they became a space pirate.

Eager to twist the inner workings of the Board to act in his favor (or, even better, on his behalf,) Hazel cares little for what’s a “good” or “bad” action in any given situation, just whatever will shift the odds most in their favor. They’re quite good at getting their way, amiable and eloquent, sure, but also more than a little… intimidating (it’s their eyes—damaged in the cryosleep thaw, they had to be replaced with synthetic ones; they catch the light and gleam in the dark in ways that are juuust a little, uncanny.) Sure, they’re kind of a bimbo, but you don’t have to be smart to be successful. You just need to know who to talk to. :^)

They’re especially good at slipping into different “roles,” shifting their mannerisms and personality depending on who they’re talking to and what they’re after. They wear the Holographic Shroud like a second skin, and treat stealth and subterfuge like a fine art. Of course, maybe this means they also have a bit of a problem with leeching personality traits off of their crew and other people they meet, and they’ve maybe been growing increasingly concerned that they don’t know how to tbe genuine, or, worse, even have an actual personality under all the pieces they’ve pilfered over the years, but that’s a problem they’ll be dealing with later! Much later! Out of sight, out of mind!!

Hazel prides himself on being able to get along with just about anyone, but this may or may not be a massive exaggeration (it is.) Enormously grateful to Phineas Welles for defrosting them and fixing their eyes (to the point that they maybe have a bit of a crush on him…so there’s this senior citizen, ahaha...)

✔ Likes: Purpleberry anything; ok honestly purple anything else too; fashion and makeup; gigantic guns; flashy parties; sneaking up on people; giving unwarranted advice; sci-fi stories; sugary drinks

✖ Dislikes: drab, dull colors; rigid rules; "good honest work"; primals; great apes in general; letting people down (does not actively realize this is something they dislike;) sparkling water; seafood


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