Athenos - Sindow



3 years, 1 month ago



Name: Athenos

Nickname: (if applicable) Theos/Theo

Personality: He is a bit of a lonesome reserved type who takes strongly to his personal bubble. If you take to the time to get to know him you will find that he is a very kind Sindow who is extremely loyal to his family. He also loves to compete for the simple fact of being able to go to new and exciting places. 

He is quite reluctant to try new things and meet new people, but when he gets to know them better, he begins to be really friendly and hardworker. He is the incarnation of Glutonny, he can't stop asking for food and is never done eating. He is pretty calm in general (instead of Mercury who's really hyperactive) but when he begins to play, he won't stop until he's completly dead-tired.

Career: Official/Unofficial

Discipline: Endurance Racing: [Associated with Stamina, Strength, Agility, Speed] Endurance racing for Sindows behaves just like horse endurance racing. Competitors go through a course that takes days to complete. These courses are normally through tough terrain and always held outdoors. There are check in stations along the way. 

Courier: [Associate with Speed, Acuity, Stamina] (I am in no way promoting drug use or the transportation of drugs, however, this is meant for story purposes.) Smaller Sindows, especially Avians, are used to transport drugs and other illegal items from place to place. These Sindows are highly prized and treated like royalty.