Keys (Hatoful Boyfriend)



3 years, 6 days ago


Keys, both during and after his time at St. Pigeonation's. His school years take place before the original games, graduating when Yuuya is a second-year student. 

- Unknowingly underwent surgery from Shuu Iwamine. Because of this, he has a long scar on his chest.

- Anemic. Managed it poorly during school but better during adulthood.

- Related to aforementioned points, he spent a lot of time in the infirmary because of his condition, and the poor management of it. He would often be found passed out in the middle of places, coming to seconds or minutes later dizzy, upset, and confused before walking himself to the infirmary (not always without hiccups, such as fainting a second time with the exertion.)

- Was rather scatterbrained and had a hard time making it to class on time. Despite this, he had rather novel grades and a cheerful smile almost always. Because of this, he tended to look messy and unkempt as he always had to rush.

- Was friends with Yuuya, which is how he learned to socialize better.

- Wanted to become a doctor but inherited the family business.

- Valedictorian, babey!

- During his school years, he had a pretty gnarly wrist (wing) injury. While it's healed in adulthood, it has left some permanent damage to that hand's (wing's) controllability/reaction time/feeling

- Eats mostly junk food

- Runs an arcade and lives in an apartment above it. He lives alone, and notably has a problem with finding himself lonely and isolated. Despite this, he doesn't often go out of his way to make new friends, as it feels "icky" to him. He isn't outwardly unfriendly, but he often worries that maybe, somehow, his friends during his time in St. Pigeonations (of which there was only one) would find out and feel replaced despite not having talked to him since he moved back home. This is an idea that upsets him greatly and cripples his social life considerably.

- 'Lost' his real name days before graduation. Nobody knows what happened, but it might be tied to Shuu's interference with his life. His real name is Chryses, although he doesn't remember it. As such, he calls himself "Keys" and doesn't seem to respond to anything else, being met with lighthearted confusion.