Amata Tarazed



3 years, 1 month ago


Amata is one of the diplomats from the Interplanetary Alliance who was assigned to a previously-unremarkable planet called Earth after its primitive lifeforms were not paid any attention to for like, ten millennia at most, and suddenly developed the technology for rudimentary space travel. Since a new naturally-evolved spacefaring civilization hasn't been found in the Milky Way for a while, everyone's very excited to visit - and there need to be proper agreements and regulations about that sorta thing!

Has a reputation for being serious and pragmatic, without much patience for people who talk too long without getting to the point. Secretly an adrenaline junkie who was very disappointed to learn that you need a license to operate many of the fastest Earth vehicles, but that disappointment was short-lived after learning that humans consider jumping out of an airplane a fun hobby. Told all politicians of the European Union that it's completely normal for citizens of the Alliance to come to work by jetpack (it isn't). Outside of work, they're currently having a great time learning about traditional Earth activities like strapping knives to your feet and using them to race eachother across frozen water.