Akari Bushida [Ignite]



3 years, 5 months ago


Hero Name: Ignite

Quirk: Fiery Darts

Can throw darts of extremely hot fire from her fingers, the heat depends on how big the darts are. The bigger the darts, the less concentrated the heat.

When she was younger, Akari went to the same grade school and middle school as Yumeko Ishizaki. In that time, she became a horrible bully to him, constantly making him feel terrible about himself. Think Izuku and Bakugo, but without them ever being friends or rivals and Akari just being a terrible person. She was the 'popular kid' in school, having an amazing Quirk from the start and making a fool of Yumeko for not being able to control his perfectly at first. Thankfully, they transferred to different highschools-- Yumeko making it into UA Academy, and Akari going to Ketsubutsu Academy. That was the last they saw of each other for quite a while-- Until the hero licencing exam. Yumeko looked much different then, and he was stronger. He was able to beat Akari, and she now hates him for that.