
"A man like me just needs some good ramen to be happy."


  • Gasoline - Apashe feat. Raga
  • Promise - Voyager
  • Gladiator - Jann


  • He/Him, 30, Lynx Felidae
  • One of the few Lynx who actually works one of those hated business office jobs, because he actually likes office work
  • Has a hidden life as a brawler
  • Brawler Name: Treasure Claws
  • Comes off as tired and a nerd most of the time. Is very kind and selfless and chill. In brawls however, he can go feral and stylish
  • Always eats some cup noodles
  • Yes, his ears, tail and Claws are made out of actual gold


  • Publically:
    • Chill, kind, loves to talk to other people
    • Trust Issues
    • Easily gets flustered
    • Strong tall man, who loves to help others
    • Tends to fall asleep at public
    • In brawls, he is feral and stylish, showing his strong site.
    • However, he is a good sports man.
  • Close Friends:
    • Loves to share his hobbies with his friends
    • Also infodumbs a lot about funfacts about games and anime
    • Very friendly, but teases them sometimes for fun.
    • Cares deeply about them.
    • Has a bit of a helper syndrome.
  • True Self:
    • Actually has low self esteem
    • Often worried about small things
    • Haunted by nightmares
    • Trains a lot just to be able to defend his friends and keep up with brawls.


  • Video Games, Anime, Ramen, Instant Noodles, Cute Things (secretly), PCs, Technology, Cats, Office Jobs, IT-Stuff, Sushi, White Chocolate, Spicy Food


  • His past, himself, corrupt people, raw meat, his scars (insecure about them), making others afraid, Strawberries, Apples, Snow


  • Being seen as a monster, losing his limbs again, being helpless, not being able to defend his friends


  • Playing video games, watching anime, rambling over funfacts of games and anime, cooking, eating (especially Ramen), swimming, doing IT-Stuff, coding, programming, building PCs


  • Pat him on the head, and his mind gets completely empty, out of order.
  • He likes Instant Noodles and Ramen, but prefers Ramen. Instant Noodles are for him "Ramen, but less good and less healthy".
  • His favorite anime are cute adorable anime, but he would never admit it.
  • His favorite games are Devil May Cry and Animal Crossing.


  • Strong and high defence.
  • Isn't that fast though.
  • Relies a lot on physical and close range attacks
  • His overall fighting style is very defensive.


  • Gold Pain: Has big gold claws, with which he can deal powerful punches and scratches. Also able to attack with his heavy goldtail and the golden claws on his legs.
  • Lionheart: Thanks to his past, he barely fears anybody. And so, he will fight til his very last breath, if needed. On the other hand, he wants to protect as many people as possible.
  • Shattered Wealth: He is able to summon shards of amber, which float around him and which he can control with his mind.
  • 3rr0r: Thanks to his huge knowledge about PCs and Technology, he can code, program and hack. The hacking also helped him in brawls against robotic Brawlers already.


  • Was born into a rich family
  • However, his family barely took care of him
  • And so, Perseus got to the wrong people in his school
  • He joined a gang and was known for being a dangerous kid
  • And the gang messed with a lot of other gangs, known in whole Sunset Overdrive
  • At the age of 19, when he still was in the gang, they messed with the wrong people.
  • A very dangerous underground gang of Sunset Overdrive.
  • His friends escaped and he promised to help them get time to escape.
  • He was beaten up badly, losing his arms and ears and part of his tail as well as some teeth.
  • Bleeding and broken, he was left behind.
  • Aella found him actually in a hidden street and he was rushed to a hospital
  • His life was saved, and he got robotic prosthetics, fighting back into life.
  • When he got out, nobody of his gang friends was still there. And he decided to change his life for the better. 
  • Thanks to Aella, who helped him find a new job, he got an IT-Job at an insurance company.
  • He also exchanged the robotic prosthetics with golden ones.
  • And thanks to his new friend in the company, he found out about the brawls.
  • He was now a much more chill and relaxed man, but he took interest in the brawls.
  • After all, he had a lot of fighting experience and he didn't got much money in his job.
  • And so, he joined the brawls.


  • Aella - Friends - Perseus and Aella meet each other because Aella found the beaten up Perseus in a back alley and saved his life. They love watching anime together and talk about old, very unknown anime. Perseus also invites Aella sometimes to ramen restaurant, so she eats something else then the "instant noodle stuff". Also, Perseus has a comforting, calming aura for Aella, helping her to open herself a bit.