


6 years, 11 months ago





Died with 17


Species: Human Ghost
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Straight
Job: Chihiro's Helper
Home: None
Quote: "The sound of a piano can heal any wounds..."


  • Playing piano
  • Music in general
  • Romantic movies
  • Dad jokes


  • Chihiro's killing
  • Heavy Metal
  • The horror genre
  • Her not being able to physically feel anything




Corny | Reliable | Judging | Apathetic now and then, but overall pretty cheerful

Blair's personality is difficult to capture. Close before her death, her mind was broken, what changed her otherwise shy and sweet character. As ghost, her mind switches from sad and depressed to overly cheerful in mere seconds. Her behavior is very unpredictable as well and her actions often don't fit to what she's saying.


Blair grew up with wealthy parents, many friends and a bright future. Her mother was a famous pianist and Blair inherited her talent as well as her passion for this specific instrument. She was in love with the sounds of the piano and the feeling of pressing the keys since she was a child.
But one day her luck just ran out. Blair was the unlucky one to get kidnapped and holded hostage by Chihiro's father in order to lure her mother, the real target to kill. Chihiro was just a small and confused child back then. Blair was locked in a dark basement for days and the only one who looked for her was lil' Chihiro. More out of curiousity than sympathy, Chihiro sneaked downstairs while their dad wasn't watching. The girl tried to persuade the young child over and over again to just free her, but all they responded was "I mustn't."
But to make her feel better, Chihiro brought her all kinds of sweets, water, pillows and other useful things. Even though Blair was still fearing for her life, she noticed that, as long as she will stay silent and wait, nothing bad would happen to her. This cruel man probably just wanted blackmail money. So she and the white haired child slowly started to hold ordinary conversations with each other - asked which their favorite sweets, TV shows, season of year were. In the meantime, there were problems with Chihiro's father's plan: Blair's mother didn't show herself. Out of frustration he went downstairs, just to see his own child talking to simple prey. Now the tall man saw red. He grabbed a baseball bat and started beating Blair to death. Chihiro tried to stop him, but he just pushed them away and made them watch how their first friend died befor their eyes.
Years later, Blair came back to Earth in form of a ghost and with memory loss. For some reason, her soul is bond to the now grown up Chihiro. She can only stay whereever they go and can talk to them only.



Chihiro : Best Buddy/ Partner in Crime
Evilynn : Only other living being that Blair can talk to except Chihiro


› Only hovers and never walks
› Always has a bluish mist around her
› Changes her mood every few seconds
› Can create a misty toy piano to play on
› Can only be seen by Chihiro and Evilynn
