Enlil Martis Areivandes



6 years, 11 months ago


Age: Twenty-five

Weight: 144lbs

Height: 5'8"

Eye Color: Yellow Gold (no pupils)

Markings: Oh goodness! Speckles, freckles, stripes, and gradients galore on this handsome boy! The full body provided by his creator shows off all of his markings!

Piercings/Tattoos: None- Enlil comes from a closed species created by Aoba! He has very common traits. The addition of piercings and tattoos would increase his rarity.

Additional Information: This species is made with elements in mind! At least with their staves. Enlil is from the Air element, and constantly has his stave with him (the shapes of the 'wings' cannot be changed) as a means of guiding himself when walking alone. Enlil is blind, seeing as how he does not have pupils, and so relies heavily on his other senses to make up for this. He has a keen sense of smell and his hearing is only slightly behind.

                                   - Many of his closest friends will greet him with a kiss! This isn't because of his inability to see, but because of his personal views and his very openly affectionate nature to those who stick around long enough to move past his sightlessness.

                                  - Enlil has hooves as well, and soft medium length fur for warmth. His legs are similar to a satyr, though more humanistic in shape. He has a medium length brush like tail as well. The collar of fur runs around his neck and down to the collarbone on his chest, though the hair there is long and thick so it will reach further down his chest and slightly over his shoulders. He does try to keep the back cut short so it does not tangle too badly with his hair.