Paha Argyroneta



3 years, 5 days ago


Paha is the second youngest child of Argyroneta and Filch. Her two older littermates are Luster and Melissa. She's an attorney. She's like 5'3", shorty. She ended up marrying Cylan. She has let her hair grow out before (never past her shoulders) but has decided she prefers to keep it cropped short. Her nickname among her family is Ladybug (a nickname she half was given half pushed for on account of ladybugs being her obsession as a little girl)

Paha is an attorney and cares about her work a lot. Her motivation/inspiration is to make sure no one has to suffer because of prejudice, or at least that she'll be able to protect them by being a good lawyer. She knows a lot about laws (not just Malchester's) and can and will cite them too you.

Paha takes law pretty seriously and if a family member were to commit a crime (at least a serious one) she couldn't in good conscience help them get away with it/let them off the hook.

Paha is very concerned about her image since she's kind of on double watch to public critics because of her being a vampiric (prejudice but also related to the throne, so sus assumptions that she's corrupt) AND because of her Lycarach heritage.

Like her dad (iirc) she tries extra hard to be very civil and come off as an upstanding citizen. She has to overcompensate to come off as harmless and nice because of preconceptions about monstrum, she's avoided learning too much combat because of this (not to say she doesn't know any, she IS an Argyroneta and also I imagine parents would want her to be able to defend herself at least a little) but she also just dislikes fighting, her tactics are squeal and fly away.

Paha still has a streak of mischievous in her since, again, she is an Argyroneta. But this is usually manifest toward her family and not to strangers etc. In my mind she's also a bit of a... Not a cry baby? But she tries her best to play the ":pleading_face: I'm baby" card, as the second youngest. Sometimes this is from mischievousness but also she is ;w; sometimes and needs a break.

Paha is a LOVER of bugs, they are her closest friends. She is the bug whisperer. Literally, she talks to bugs, no one is quite sure if she can actually talk to them or if she's just making it up. She likes to collect bugs and her collection of pets will fluctuate, but she has a common thread in her 4 tarantulas who are her best friends. She's also had things like ant farms and rhino beetles before.

Unicorn Sparkle is her favorite flavor of ice cream.

Pivoting here to her romantic subplot - I think when Paha was little/a kid/teen she had some kind of events or experiences of either romantic rejection or friendship rejection/ostracization because of her heritage. Likely multiple romantic rejections or something like it. But all of those led her to believe that she wouldn't ever find someone who loved her (romantically), and that hurt a lot at times but overall she at least on the surface came to peace with that.

Smash cut to 2nd or 3rd grade or something, a kid named Cylan got a crush on her. But he was the shyest push over ever and he could not muster up the courage to ever even approach or speak to her, so she pretty much had no idea he existed. Cylan is not one to jump from crush to crush and he basically.. never stopped crushing on her. Even as he pretty much rarely saw her as the years went on. Hopeless romantic. Probably has a cardboard box full of dumb poems and songs he's written for her.  

Later when they were both adults and Cylan gained a whole ton more self confidence he finally approached her, and originally I was thinking he was very forward and flirty and she just did not compute but I think he actually went to try and do that but then his brain froze the second he actually tried to flirt and so it wasn't very good and Paha was just :) ???

But Cylan was apart of a band and finally after long months of failing to get her to realize he liked her, he invited her to where his band was preforming and he sang a song he'd written for her (Ladybug by The Altogether btw) and... She still didn't get it. And he was like "thisisfine";;;;;;; but then at like 3 am it clicked in her brain and she D: ! Knocks on his door at 3 am and asks him if the song is a about her and he's like :pleading_face: "......yes..." And she's like o/////////o "oh" and Darcy would be sad if I did not include the "then she hands him a lady bug and runs away" detail. And then they start dating

But yeah anyway Cylan is a complete and utter simp and Paha is just :) that someone loves her.