


3 years, 1 month ago

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RU for NB 100


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    "Ahh, a very special tale, how can a hornless lambicorn exist, after all? Oh, now, don't fret my dears—I think you'll find this story has a happy ending after all. Listen closely..."

    There once was a lambaby named Cygna. She a quite, shy, young lambie. She preferred to hide in the shadows, and to watch from the sidelines, for she hated any kind of attention. She was quite lonely, this Cygna. She hadn't any friends, and only hid when other lambabies tried to reach out.

    "Oh no!!! I'w be her fwend!"

    You're very sweet, Marie, I think she would like that!

    None of the other lambies thought she was weird for her lack of horn, but she hated it, she thought it was weird! She wouldn't let anyone look at the empty spot on her forehead. Hats, beanies, headbands... anything to cover up the spot.

    "She's not weird, she's special!"

    That's right! We celebrate differences here, there's nothing wrong with not looking the same as your peers, isn't that right kids?

    "Yes miss Ave!"

    Every night, Cygna would wish and wish and wish to wake up with aer horn. But every morning, aer forehead shone bare. She wouldn't accept that it might never grow in! It had to, one day! And that day better be soon, she didn't want to wait until adulthood for her horn. That would be a lot of hiding from the world, and she would miss out on having all the fun like the other lambabies.

    One day, there was a new lambaby in class.

    "Just like me!"

    Yes Jasper, like you! We love new faces in our classroom!

    This new lambaby was special, too. They were missing a horn too! Cygna was amazed. Other lambaby missing something? She didn't feel as alone anymore.

    And so she made it her goal to be friends with this new lambaby. She approached them during lunch time and asked if they wanted to play in the doll house with her. They did! It was a great time, Cygna made her first friend! And her friend never said anything about her missing horn. They treated it as it nothing was wrong, nothing was missing.

    Cygna went home a very happy lambaby that day.

    And that's when it happened.

    Cygna didn't wish for her horn that night, but when she woke up... it was there! Her horn!

    A beautiful, shining, swirled horn.

    She went to school that day, proud, only to find her friend's horn had grown in too! It was a miracle!

    The two were the best of friend's from that day onward...


    Thank you for listening class! Remember though, even if you're missing something, and it never grows in, that doesn't make you any less worthy or special. We're all different in our own ways, and that's something to be celebrated!