


3 years, 1 month ago


Physical Appearance/Artist notes: Neat and tidy businessman, stands up straight and confident, always wears some kind of nice suit with gold embellishments

Full Name: Gould

Gender: Male (he/him)

Species: Human

Age: Around 50

Personality: Very formal in speech and act, calm and level-headed at all times, incredibly intelligent, clever, and manipulative, greedy

World: It has been known for a long time that the world is separated into millions of similar dimensions, and the technology has finally been created to traverse between them. However, it’s expensive and difficult, so only the most powerful and curious can explore what they call the “World Wide Web” of dimensions. There is also a phenomenon that occurs in every dimension where each person is born with a completely random, unique feature that can be incredibly useful or useless, and incredibly general or specific. It is theorized that these abilities originated from a powerful primordial energy that split the world into its dimensions and in the process, split itself into several pieces.

Backstory: (WIP) He started a ran a hugely successful scientific company, eventually teaming up with a well-known scientist and explorer named Leo to research and search for something called Elements, what Leo theorized was the source of everyone's abilities. However, a divide formed between them. While Leo sought learning and science, Gould wanted power and money. Eventually, they split up to make two separate, hugely successful companies to find and study the Elements, both using various underhanded methods and questionable moral choices to reach their goals. Gould’s company was more above ground and public, hiring millions of workers but with the top positions and jobs kept very secretive while Leo’s company was more underground and hired only the best, most trustworthy workers for fully secret projects. Years later, Gould finally decided to launch an all out attack on Leo’s secret facility, using Blizzard to find it and Raptor to lead it. During the attack, Leo forced his son to absorb their Element and protect it from Gould. He stayed behind to protect his research and ended up being killed by Raptor. (Gould focused his efforts on pursuing Token, and then Paradise as well as he learned of her existence.)

Extra Info: He is the only one to have successfully created a machine that could separate the Element from the person. His unique feature is the ability to solidify air into whatever shape he likes, often hailed as one of the most useful abilities in the known dimensions alongside Leo’s ability. His second in command is Raptor and third in command is Blizzard. Paradise’s clone is just a random worker under him that no one knows

Likes: Money, power, neatness

Dislikes: Disloyalty


  • Leo- Former colleague and current rival 
  • Raptor - Second in command
  • Blizzard - Third in command