


3 years, 1 month ago


Morana, though she appears to be in her 20s, is actually over 700 years old. Formerly a soul guide like Madoka, she had this privilege taken away from her after she abused her power. She currently resides in the Isle of Lost Souls.

Morana, as her appearance would suggest, is farĀ from friendly; she's extremely cold and downright hostile to everyone she interacts with, and she has a particularly deep hatred for Madoka. When she's not tormenting those who visit the Isle, she's more of a loner, and spends her time wandering around the place.
Morana is apathetic and selfish, having no care for others or how much she hurts people. She only cares about her power and returning to her undeserved place as a soul guide.
Morana is very intelligent and highly skilled in battle, with lightning-fast reflexes and inhuman strength, making her an extremely dangerous and tough opponent in battle. Though, she usually gets knocked down a peg by Madoka in the end.
Deep down, underneath her cold, hard exterior, Morana is scared and confused, and is unable to realize how her actions in the past impacted others and herself. She never quite developed proper social skills due to being neglected as a child, and has been attention-starved for most of her life. There are some people who still have hope for her, who believe that she can still return to her old self, but nobody is fully sure at this point...
Voice: TBD

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