Melody Anna Butler



3 years, 1 month ago


Name: Melody Anna Butler

Job: Jazz singer

What country are they from: America

Age: 14

Personality: Melody is a sweet, bubbly, excitable young lady who generally has a heart of gold. Maybe a bit babyish in nature, Melody is as kind as she is dumb. Still playing with her 'baby toys' at her age, she finds it rather hard to make friends with others as they instantly shove her aside due to how she acts. She has a tendency to not fully understand other's peoples prospective on things; and has to see it from her own narrow life view. She was a little sheltered growing up as well, which doesn't help her understanding of big issues or pain others might be suffering with.

History/Past: Her father was always rather stoic, never smiling or seeming all that happy. Her brother was much the same; never touching people, quiet, not a people person in any way. Though her mother was comforting and sweet on the little guy, Melody felt unwanted and unloved by the rest of her family. She started to try and do everything to cheer them up; singing and dancing to try and catch their attentions. She would sit and watch the older movie her father loves; which is where she found her love of jazz and older fashion clothes. Her dad brushed and took care of her hair in whatever way she wanted; which was however would make him happy.

At eight, she was once again explained her father and brother's condition. They do not feel like smiling as they express their joy in none traditional ways. While she likes to express her happiness with smiles, giggling, and the like- Ben expresses his happiness with a possible chuckle and covering his mouth. While his father will let out a grunt, and tell you he's happy if he was asked. She still struggled, and suddenly, Ben started to smile around her. Though his mother told him not to make himself uncomfortable; he expressed it did not make him uncomfortable. It was clear she just didn't understand yet and he will stop faking when she's ready.

At ten, she was explained her history. Her father's best friend was killed alongside his wife in a car crash ten years ago. She was their biological daughter, but was taken in by he Butler's as Steven, her father, was the God father. Though upset by the news that her biological family was gone, she ran at them and hugged them close, promising her parents she saw them as her real family and thought she'd love to at least see their photos and know their stories; they won't replace them.

Despite saying she took the news well, Melody seemed withdrawn and distant for a while after. She stopped singing, and didn't want to eat with the family. Marine decided to start taking Melody to her bar after school as someone needed to keep an eye on her and Ben often was too busy with homework while Steven had a company to run. One night, the singer was unable to preform, but the jazz band had come along. Tapping one of them on the shoulder, Melody offered to be their singer. Wanting to make the little girl happy; they said "sure, come on kid. We'll play something and you sing". Her mother was cleaning glasses and only noticed when Melody was about to sing her first note. Marine originally was going to shut this down but hearing her sweet voice once again, her mother teared up. After that, once a week Melody would sing on stage, and soon got accepted into a school for her singing skills.

Once getting to school, she didn't find herself fitting in. She was a lot more childish than her serious classmates, and just wanted to have fun rather than study. This made her feel kind of unwanted, and like she was an impostor amongst the crowd. One day she was ran into by a fellow student; the kid in tears. The student was much like herself; two different coloured eyes, bubbly and normally very sweet. After composing themselves, the student introduced themselves as Mayflower. Though not saying much about themselves; the pair agreed to be friends together, no matter what.


- Bumble bees
- Honey
- Sunsets
- Rosemary
- Windows
- 'Older' fashion


- Boats
- Phones
- Cities
- The dark
- Beaches
- Flag poles

Gender: Female

Height/Weight: 4'11, 8 stone 9

Additional Info:

- If asked; she will say that her parents are her biological parents. Even though looking at the family tree makes her eyes impossible to be in their bloodline; not many question it.
- Her nickname is bumble bee
- She won't open or tell anyone who or what is in the locket. It's one of her classmates, her best friends.
- Bunny slippers
- Has a stuffed animal called Miss Buff

If they had to be the killer, how and why would they kill?: Childish rage or confusion. It would probably be something thrown in upset.

Roleplay Sample: "Wahhh- hey! Don't pull my hair like that!" the crybaby sniffled, holding her hands up to defend her face. Her eyes were tear stained as she stared up at Mayflower. Though it was tangled beyond belief, the idea of getting it brushed by someone who wasn't her dad wasn't something she liked, "Stop touching itt- owie owie! No more brush! No!"