


3 years, 1 month ago


Name: Isla Landra

isla is a 6'9 lesbian pirate on Dallas' crew. She is the owner of a Tyrix she calls "Fluffy" who is her pride and joy to the dismay of the crew. Isla loves to flirt with the wives of Noblemen to piss them off, she is yet to find a woman who will turn her down. She is good with a sword and is one of the tallest members of Dallas' Crew. She is Bentlee's best friend and she is hardly seen without him when on deck.

Isla will beat you up


Up until isla was 5 she lived with her parents. She lived in a noble family and was well off. They loved her and cared for her and she loved them. But, unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Her parents were killed in a raid, and, while she was hiding, she was captured and tortured for almost a year. She was then given to a family in poverty.

This family treated her with little to no respect. They made her do all the chores in the house giving her no free time outside of school.

Once she was 12, she began to write in a diary. She wrote about other girls she was fond of and had feelings for. Once her adoptive parents found out she was punished, brutally. She didnt write about girls ever again.

In her early adulthood she was bullied by almost everyone to the point where she was unable to get a job. Upon meeting Dallas and his crew who docked at her sea bound town, she joined the crew. She looks up to Dallas like the big brother she never had.