


3 years, 1 month ago


"Ill show you the best jutsu you will ever see!"
Name Tora
Occupation Ninja

Series Boruto

Village Hidden Leaf


Tora is from a different village, the land of mist, transferred student to the hidden leaf as a sign of friendship between the villages. Tora transferred in late, but managed to get in time to be able to join the   exams, there she met Mitsuki. she ran into him before the compitetion but had no idea who he was. She thought he looked pretty strong. She wanted to fight him, Mitsuki and her got along right away, but her and Boruto not so much. She felt like a competition with Boruto, she battled against Boruto in the exams instead of Mitsuki,  and didnt win against him feeling a shame to the mist but didnt give up on being strong, she met with Mitsuki after to ask him to help her train, along with details on how Boruto fights. Mitsuki wouldnt tell her the details relating to his team mate, but agreed to help her fight. He thought she was strong already yet she didnt think that if she lost to him, she had to get stronger. She had family back at her village, she wanted to live up to- she couldn't loose. Tora trained in secret with Mitsuki. She got closer with him,even getting close with Boruto who acted strange until the news came out that he had cheated in the exams. She got furious, demanding a rebattle with him but Naruto, the hokage stopped the two.She got mad when she saw the hokage, and Sasuke both there for Boruto she got mad,  Sasuke had stopped Tora and Naruto stopped Boruto from finishing their fight, Sasuke looked over at Tora  planning to say something to talk to her, but Tora was upset  and left .angrily.  She felt dissapointed in herself, and in Boruto who even thouh they didnt  get along she did have respect for him. She wanted to leave at the moment but Mitsuki stopped her from leaving the village.  more to her story, but its going to be long
Ill write full storys on DA.