Tundrawings Info



3 years, 1 month ago


DESCRIPTION: Shades of light blue and light grey, rarely light purple and light green. Royals are pure white only. They have jagged crescent talons that are used to grip the ground, similar to Icewings. Though, unlike Icewings, they have red blood like every other dragon. They have thick fur that starts from the back of their head that goes down to their tails. The fur can be any length, though most Tundrawings prefer it to be shorter and well-kept. Their fur starts out pure white and goes grey as they age. Very muscular and large. They appear to be distant relatives of Icewings.

ABILITIES: Crescent talons for gripping ice. Fur for the cold weather. Because of their thick fur, it makes it harder for them to fly. Very intelligent.

HABITAT: Previously lived in a cold Antarctic place, though during The Great Animus War the palace was destroyed and they had to flee into a distant island jungle. Since then they haven’t come around much, and some worry that they are planning something sinister...

CULTURE: Previously sprawling and happy and big, has been reduced a bit to dreary and grumpy dragons who do not enjoy the jungle biome they have been forced to live in for many years. There are festivals and offerings to appreciate the jungle island that saved them from death, though only a few Tundrawings care about it and actually celebrate it. Some Tundrawings will use various dyes from the jungle plants to dye their fur different colors.


Queen Fox (deceased), she was the first Tundrawing queen ever recorded in history, all previous rulers being kings. Fox beame queen by fighting and killing off all of the male heirs, then saved the king for last. After becoming the queen, she changed the laws so that everyone could be equal, so that there could be both queens and kings.

Pure (deceased), she was one of the only albino Tundrawings recorded in history. She was the leading military intelligence and was credited as a surprising gift by King Seal. She was sadly infertile, so she couldn’t have any child so she couldn’t pass on her unique appearance or intelligence onto.

Sea Lion (deceased), animus dragon that casted The Final Straw, it is unknown what happened to him after casting the spell. Some speculated that someone assinated him shortly after he casted the spell.

Queen Arctic Hare, she is the current queen. She wants nothing but the best for her tribe, and is trying to figure out how she can recover the lost palace and arctic location.


Lost Palace- The Lost Palace is an old palace that was sunk into the earth by a NormalWing animus. The animus enchanted the sinkhole to attack the TundraWing’s largest city and the palace during the Great Animus War.

War’s Dam- The War’s Dam is a dam constructed after the Lost palace had sunk. It was constructed so that a river would not flood the lost city. Some of it was made by an animus in an attempt to save her kingdom. It is something that is still being worked on today by Queen Arctic Hare so that the kingdom may return to their rightful home soon.

Death Zone- The Death Zone is an area so cold that no life exists there. Only 1 dragon has survived without using animus magic, but of the cost of losing half her tail to frostbite.