Hajime Ninomiya



6 years, 10 months ago


               Card image cap                

"I'd love to see into your nightmares...So I can watch you suffer like I once did! Too bad I can only watch you sleep.. But that's okay because I can watch what expressions your face will make hehe.. I wonder if you'll cry...""


             Name || Hajime Ninomiya
             Alias || Tiny Terror, Haji, Pink Monster
             Gender || Female
             Age || 17
             Sign || Aquarius - February 16
             Ethnicity || Japanese
             Orientation || Pansexual - Aromantic
             School || U.A Second Year
             Occupation || Student
             Status || Oh my, a little nosey are we?~
              Height ||  5'2
             HairColor || Orangish Pink
             EyeColor ||  Blue
             VoiceActor || Nadeko           




⇀ Description


Hajime's a girl you want to avoid at all costs. She took to oath to enter a hero school, but that doesn't mean she's gonna operate on their terms. Due to her quirk basically destroying most of her emotions, she often feels bored or disgusted with life and constantly strives to satiate that feeling. Often times she is seen using her quirk on citizens, classmates and sometimes small animals like fishes or squirrels. Sometimes she is nice to be around and if she considers you a friend, you're lucky because that means she won't use her quirk on you as often as she does anyone else. The only people she refrains from ever harming is her immediate family and her 'soul' friends.


⇀ Stats


                 Affection || ✦✧✧✧✧
                 Patience || ✦✦✧✧✧
                 Temper || ✦✦✦✧✧
                 Sensitivity || ✦✧✧✧✧
                 Creativity ||✦✦✦✧✧
                 Maturity || ✦✦✦✧✧


                 Generosity || ✦✧✧✧✧
                 Optimism ||✦✧✧✧✧
                 Empathy || ✦✧✧✧✧
                 Logical || ✦✦✦✦✧
                 Bravery || ✦✦✦✧✧
                 Stamina || ✦✦✦✧✧


                 Intelligence || ✦✦✦✦✧
>                  Insight || ✦✦✦✧✧
>                  Confidence || ✦✦✦✦✧
>                  Politeness || ✦✦✧✧✧
>                  Focus || ✦✦✦✦✦
                 Work Ethic || ✦✦✦✧✧



⇀ Preferences



  • Shiba Inu - aren't they cute lil puppers? I want 10!
  • Spicy Foods - kyah~ I haven't tasted a dish I couldn't handle!
  • Gore - hey do you mind if I cut you up? ill make sure it hurts, a lot~
  • Shows with Dry or Morbid Humo - like House M.D! or Dexter uhm.. Mystery Diagnosis and Law&Order: Special Victims Unit!
  • Attractive People - what?~ attractive people are lovely to stare at~


  • Pickles - they're digusting..
  • Cucumbers - aren't they a distant cousin to pickles?
  • Slobs - learn to pick up your trash, slob...
  • Rude People - you reap what you sow~ my little babies might come home with you..
  • Romance - its annoying.. 'kyah Senpai I-I love you!' then you get married and die, the end!



⇀ Description


Hajime loves wearing the clothes her mother picks out, or just eccentric looking clothes in general. Sometimes she'll wear a bright polka dot shirt with a gradient skirt and white tights and sometimes her mom will have her in a nice dress or a cute shirt and shorts. As her mom puts lovingly, "Hajime has her own genre of style. Its not exactly eccentric but its not too wild either! Something just right for her offputting personality!"


⇀ Trivia

  • Hajime names the blobs she creates sometimes. She thinks they're cute and will sometimes say, 'Come to momma!'      
  • Hajime doesn't care for being a hero, but it provides her a sense of relief from her constant apathetic nightmare of a life   
  • She's always thirsty and usually keeps a bottle of water with her at all times
  • Azu Ninomiya helped Hajime choose her hero outfit, which is based off an outfit from a certain anime show~
  • If you were to injure Hajime, her facial expression doesn't change much. Not that she doesn't feel the pain, because she does, but she isn't afraid of the pain so she can control her expression in battle   


⇀ Moodboard




⇀ Background


As a kid, Hajime was a sunshine smiley child who loved her parents very dearly and cherished her two siblings, Mae and Lucas. They would often chase down the icecream truck on weekends and climb up trees to see who could get the highest. It wasn't until Hajime started suffering nightmares that she accused her siblings and family members of doing things they never did - eventually leading to Haime suffering from a few mental breaks and seeing multiple psychologists about it. They eventually learned her nightmares were caused from her quirk and its drawback, and there was nothing they could do since as long as she used her quirk, she'd suffer from nightmares. Her parents and family tried to help her cope, but Hajime ultimately distanced herself from her family, not because she hated them but because she was afraid of what they'd do to her in her nightmares.


⇀ Family


Mom: Azu Ichinose - A former villain who now lives in society under a new name taking care of her three children. She had the power of Spider's Cradle which put its victims to sleep through a venomous lullaby.

Dad: Sugane Ninomiya - A former hero who currently works at the Hero Agency as a supervisor. His quirk was Hallucinations that caused the user harm depending on what they hallucinated.

Oldest Sister: Mae Ninomiya ( 21 ) - Got a job as a sales clerk right out of high school and didn't aspire to be a hero or villain. She wanted to live a mundane lifestyle, and forever misses the close bond she and Haji used to have.

Younger Brother- Lucas Ninomiya ( 14 ) - The youngest sibling who's unsure of what he wants to do with his life. Hajime claims his quirk's useless, but under the right teacher it could be 'lethal'.




⇀ Night Terrors


She can ‘leak’ small ‘familiars’ that latch onto people putting them into a nightmarish sleep on command. It makes the victim realize their worst nightmares for a timeframe of 10 minutes to 30 minutes - but in sleep time is irrelevant and could possible scar the person for a long time. Its nearly impossible to detect as the size of the familiar ranges from as tiny as a mouse to as big as a dog.


⇀ Lance and Arrows


Recently learned, Hajime can form her blobs into a sharp lance that can cut, as well as 'poison' the target with a nightmare that can be activated at Hajime's choosing. She can also turn her quirk into a bow & arrow that allows her to shoot over a long distance with a blob shaped as an arrow! The arrow slowly looses its form the further its shot, while the lance's drawback is that the blobs cannot 'unbind' itself making it impossible to turn into goop and chase people - but Hajime can still form new blobs!

⇀ Weakness

Her quirk has the maximum time limit of up to 30min - depending on the target. Once her time is out, the familiars ‘attack’ her and subject her to nightmares worse than the ones she gave. This can last from 5-10 min max.

  This template was created by lowkeywicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission